NZ beer Monteiths American pale ale


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Jul 15, 2017
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Went to NZ recently and drank this all over the place - it was really good.

So, I have come here to find a recipe which might be close. On a search there is nothing that mentions Monteiths at all, so I am looking for recommendations for an All Grain American Pale Ale.

I loved this beer, it was dark with a caramel nose, but none of the fruity after tastes of the IPAs.

Just good beer.

Thanks to anyone who can point me to a recipe they have brewed and enjoyed the results


Hmmm Thank you!!! Thats just what I needed :)
Have tried this a few times with variable experiences , maybe not too many fresh bottles getting around here in Radelaide .
Grain bill is pretty typical of an APA ( ~80 % ale , 10 % munich 5 % wheat 5% crystal for colour and character )
Citra was the dominant hop from memory , i'd bitter with brooklyn / Moutere and aim for total ibus in high 30s with no dry hop
Yeast wise something clean like US-05 or Wyeast 1056
Frankly i would be surprised if mine turned out better than the bought one
Have tried this a few times with variable experiences , maybe not too many fresh bottles getting around here in Radelaide .
Grain bill is pretty typical of an APA ( ~80 % ale , 10 % munich 5 % wheat 5% crystal for colour and character )
Citra was the dominant hop from memory , i'd bitter with brooklyn / Moutere and aim for total ibus in high 30s with no dry hop
Yeast wise something clean like US-05 or Wyeast 1056
Frankly i would be surprised if mine turned out better than the bought one
That sounds like something I need to brew - let me get this into a recipe and see where it ends up :)

I'll post some comments on how it tastes !
That sounds like something I need to brew - let me get this into a recipe and see where it ends up :)

I'll post some comments on how it tastes !
Maybe flick your finalised recipie up here in the forum I may just brew it too :D.
In my APA, I like to do 10% Dark Munich (10L) and 10% flaked wheat.

you can definitely also add some crystal, I really don't like going over C30, though, just my personal taste.. Victory malt, or other Biscuit malts also go nice in a pale. Special Roast could also be interesting, haven't used that one in a long time though.
In my APA, I like to do 10% Dark Munich (10L) and 10% flaked wheat.

you can definitely also add some crystal, I really don't like going over C30, though, just my personal taste.. Victory malt, or other Biscuit malts also go nice in a pale. Special Roast could also be interesting, haven't used that one in a long time though.

I'd second those sentiments...Munich adds color and sweet maltiness, but finishes on the palate much cleaner than Crystal malts. The dry nutty/toasty flavor of Victory does wonders for balancing fruit-foward hops like Citra. A little Caramel seems to be part of the profile here, though, so judicious addition of C-40 or so might give just the right note.
Citra just for bittering seems to be a bit of a waste, but I don't know anything about your other hops. Maybe there'll be good interaction. Most Pale ales would benefit from a neutral bittering hop and Citra in the later additions. Since the other hop's description sounds a lot like Citra, I'm sure any hop schedule will work between the two of them.
I also dont know a lot about these hops.. so will take directions here.

All i know is the original beer didnt have strong fruity flavours whixh concerns me with using citra.

Maybe i change these two hops around?
Never herd of these hops either sounds like a Kiwi hop eh? I use Magnum for all my 60min Bittering edition except if I'm sticking traditional in a Pilsner/ Kolcsh I'm not sure if it makes a difference but.
You could go FWH with it stick that Citra in at mash out that way your hopefully getting some flavour out of ito_O. That's what I'd do with a flavourable hop like that. If not magnum for Bittering and throw em both in 20ish and 0.

But if I'm picking up what your putting down this ain't a really aromatic brew so maybe no flame out.

Another thought and this will be daring is just load her up at mash out with First Wort Hops! if what I've read is supposed to happen is this will give you smooth bitterness with some Citra hop Flavour combined in the one addition:rolleyes:. maybe I'll try this in an ale soon and let you know if it's thumbs up or down.

Good luck:).
Citra was the dominant hop from memory , i'd bitter with brooklyn / Moutere and aim for total ibus in high 30s with no dry hop
Yeast wise something clean like US-05 or Wyeast 1056

Mark D Pirate is suggesting Citra/Moutere from his experience of the same beer. The way you describe, maybe you had bottles that had aged a little longer. I'd experiment a little if I were you and try splitting up the hops so that around a third of the IBUs come from the 60 minute addition, a third at 20 minutes and the rest at 5 minutes or so. I find that a 20 minute addition of hops like this shows off their deeper, danker flavors and that tends to really ground the sweeter tropical notes.
I can get Monteiths beer in some supermarkets and tried them all, but they are not good. Not even decent for the asked price.

Are they better in the home land or is it the same beer?
Well the kiwis have never been famous for beer yes and they do make some great wines as well but otherwise a pointless little country with few redeeming features
Peter Jackson would disagree.
Me too. We had an absolutely beautiful honeymoon driving around the north island 2 years ago
I'm an Aussie ...its in our constitution that i quote here " All citizens of the comwth. of Australia shall at any opportunity berate , belittle or otherwise treat our cuzzy bros as the sheep interfering , funny talkin hicks that they are ."
If NZ is so great then why do so many move here ?
First off, we are not your cuzzy bros. and can you please explain this obsession that aussies have with sheep? I certainly haven't seen any of it around here.

Have you ever been over to try any of our craft beer?

I have tried a lot of your beer, not very impressive.
