I do stove top BIAB, and until recently was regularly hitting or exceeding my recipe projected OG and abv. However, the last several batches, my extraction and brewhouse efficiency has suffered, while my pre and post boil gravities have been well below projections. The decreases occurred before I moved from Southern California to Eugene, Oregon. The brewhouse efficiency of 80% that served me well in the past needs adjusting, which in turn will affect my process - at least if I want to achieve the results that I’m looking for.
Before moving, my grains were crushed by the lhbs (Windsor) where I bought my grains, and they used a mill that apparently had a setting for BIAB. Prior to using Windsor,another lhbs allowed customers to mill their own, and there I always ran the grains through twice. In both cases, there was a good amount of flour in the milled grains.
Now in Eugene, I bought my own mill and have continued double milling, with the rollers set to “credit card” width. Both of the batches I have brewed here have been disappointing in the aspect of low OG and efficiency. I know I could add DME or other tricks, but I just want to get back to how my batches were before, without any tricks.
I’ll be following this thread.