Not carbing up

If there's already some carbonation.... Think about that high school chemistry demo involving a bottle of soda and a Mentos. But carb tabs or drops are the way to go if you can find them. The drops may be a little less likely to cause a gusher in partially carbonated beer. They come in small sizes and large sized - one of the large ones is good for 12 ounces, I forgot how many of the small ones you need. Read the directions, dosage should be on the package.
I'm kind of curious of how well the IPA is holding out? Looks like it's about 80 days now. Is it worth pursuing? I'm not saying that to discourage your efforts.
Before adding sugar I'd sacrifice a bottle for a gravity reading. A small increase, depending on the amount of priming sugar, over your FG before priming would indicate that you did indeed add the priming sugar. While I agree that even with transfers, cold crashing and fining, most all beers still have enough yeast to carbonate, I brewed a Fat Tire clone about 8 or 9 years ago that was 2 weeks in primary and 2 weeks in secondary prior to bottling and was not cold crashed of fined. After several weeks in the mid to upper 70s the few bottles I tried had no carbonation at all, so it is possible that a lack of viable yeast is the problem.

I like your idea of trying yeast in a few and sugar in others too.
Never tried, but wonder if it's something that could be blended?
Added some liquid yeast to 3 bottles and recapped. Added some sugar to 3 bottles and had to recap quickly as they foamed up within 5sec. The sugar ones fizzed through the sealed caps for a few min.....little scary, put those in a secure spot!

No bottle bombs after a few days......this has now surpassed the "I want to drink this beer" to "this beer will carb no matter what"
I'm only going on the reading I've done as I've never done this in practice. But from what I've read, it takes 2-4 grains of yeast per 12 oz (354 ml) bottle. This would agree with Bob357's post above. If you are worried about overcarbonation, but aren't sure if you got the sugar in there, you could add a single small carbonation drop into the bottle just in case. Keep testing and let us know!

OK, so 14 days ago I took 6 bottles and added A little bit of sugar straight into three bottles, and just squirted a bit of liquid yeast out of a syringe into three bottles.
The three bottles with the sugar haven't changed at all but, the three bottles with the liquid yeast have carbed right up!
So somehow I killed all the yeast. This is one of the only beers that I have secondary fermented, mostly because there were so many hops in it. The beer taste really good, it is supposed to be a zombie dust clone, so there still faint taste of Citra hops and the aroma of the Citra hops is still there. This first bottle has turned out to be a very drinkable beers, I just have to not expected to be zombie dust.

Huh crazy, I've never seen that.
