Need an accurate small scale...

Just beware: precision is not the same as accuracy.

My scale reads to 0.01 gram. This is fairly precise.

But when it says 1.00 grams, I have no idea if it is 0.97 or 1.05 grams... meaning I cannot determine its accuracy. (Well I suppose I can, I just have not)...
Reference weights will do the job. I find 0.1g accuracy to be quite good enough even for small batches.
I bought the Triton T3 660 x .1G scale & Calibration Weight set. The scale is great & compact however the Calibration Weight set max weight is 100 g. The scale requires 500 g to calibrate. The Amazon ad says Calibration Weight Not included but it doesn't say need 500 g to calibrate. After some frustration, I ordered the 500g Weight, it was $9.97 while the 1g to 100g set was $6.51. Decided to go with no return. The 1 to 100 g set plus the 500 g was $17.50 while a complete set from 1 to 500g was $19. Already spent to much time thinking about this.
