Well, its done and I would be happy to post pictures, but for some reason I keep getting an error message saying the picture is invalid.
The build went fine, had some brain farts around a diptube (need a hose to create a siphon, moron!), but other than that, all is well
I was lucky to find a BANJO KAB4 burner (NIB) on craigslist with a 10 gal SS pot for $90! Pretty happy about that! Unfortunately, the pot does not have a cover. (suggestions are welcome)
1st problem - keggle does not fit on Burner very well. Not stable at all. Definately need the bigger KAB6. That being said, I secured 2 angle irons to the burner, and that improved stability greatly.
So, today I fired it up for a dry run (well, a wet run, actually). Initially, I could not get 6 gals to 100 degrees in 30 mins. Frustrated! Headed to LHBS, and they advised me on how to work the burner properly.
On the 2nd try, it brought 6 gals to a boil in about 40 mins. Still not very impressed with that.
And, i feels like I went through at least 1/4 tank of propane.
Overall, not very happy and a bit wary about brewing in it. The boiling water was giving off a wierd odor.
I am thinking of craigslisting the entire set up and buying a normal 10 or 15 gal pot, like I was gonna do in the first place.
Suggestions? Am I doing anything wrong (christ, this isnt rocket science!)