Monthly happy hour

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Sorry I couldn't make it.
I ended up going to a Christmas lighting at the Town center with the grandkids and then out afterwards. Didn't get home until 8pm ET, so I figured it was already in the books.
Hope it was a good time.
I guess it was true, It's Here
Oh well I guess the picture didn't make it. It did snow lhere ast night.

I have seen other posts about picture posting problems, is there some trick?
Oh well I guess the picture didn't make it. It did snow lhere ast night.

I have seen other posts about picture posting problems, is there some trick?
I take a screenshot of the photo then post that it seems to work then.
Thanks, ill try that
I use the "attach file" button next to the "post reply button"
Wait for the pic to download, then press on th "insert" button on the picture and choos thumbnail or full image.
But it doesn't always work.
Just wondering if there isn't a size limit?
I use the "attach file" button next to the "post reply button"
Wait for the pic to download, then press on th "insert" button on the picture and choos thumbnail or full image.
But it doesn't always work.
Just wondering if there isn't a size limit?
Some just don't load no matter what you do even re sizing I've found a screenshot will work if so.
the original I tried sent , the loading bar went across showed a greyed out version then said error or something.
I tried another and the orig and the screen shot both seemed to work , Who Knows???
It is probably a file size thing. I find some photos load, and some do not
Somehow it feels like I've been left behind...
Can't believe it is almost 2024.
I'm still somewhere in April or so ;)
We don't currently have any plans that night, but I am pretty certain that we will have plans by then.

Would it make any sense to move this to Friday evening?
Maybe we might have a better turn out then.
No pressure,just thinking out loud
Family Monopoly night for me.
I'll have to catch up next year!
Cheers All!
I will unfortunately be on the road on Saturday, and cannot join.

Friday is a possibility.
We could wait a week if you all wanted….Saturday January 6?
I'm fine whichever way.
Not having much planned.
