Mash clarification and a few small beginner questions

Yeah, but I must confess. I only read one of them in its entirety.
but I know what I need to know.

I'm intrigued by the deeper process so I really tend to eat up the information that seems to be borne of experience with traditional methodology and the basic biology of brewing. I find it fascinating and @das alte seems to have a real grasp of the complexities.
Not that I can put most of it into practice, but as I muddle along I try to progress toward a better balance between my expedient hillbilly process and a more refined and complex way of doing things.
I'm confident that I'm brewing good beer but I still have plenty of room to grow in making good beer better. :)
I get what you're saying, but that's not where I'm at. I am not saying you shouldn't be intrigued. But I'm not. You're happy, I'm happy. We should swap beers sometime! I bet we'd both still be happy.
