[Maybe this should be under Calculator Support, but I suspect it is working as designed, so I'm putting it under Feature Requests.]
I sometimes need to hold back some or all of my salts to the boil, so as not to drop pH too far. And while I understand moving those additions to the kettle do not affect Mash pH, they do affect Boil pH. It would be nice to see what effect that will have when placed in the Sparge/Kettle section.
Also, when placed in the Sparge/Kettle section, the salts do not show any effect on the ion actuals to see if they are meeting the profile targets. So I have to enter them in the Mash section to dial them in, then move them. Certainly, even though they are post mash, they DO affect the flavor perceptions of the beer, which is why I'm adding them in the first place. As it stands currently, entering them in the Sparge/Kettle section gives me no feedback on their addition in any respect whatsoever.
It is as if the Water Calculator is designed only for mashing and completely disregards any later impact. It could be so much more useful otherwise.
In line with this, perhaps separate Sparge/Kettle sections are in order. While I do BIAB and don't sparge, it seems this section is really ignoring the 'Kettle addition' idea despite the name and treating this as just a Sparge addition. I noticed this because putting salts there, I get an error telling me I need a Sparge volume. But these were Kettle, not Sparge additions. The pre-boil volume should be used in that case for the ion concentration calculations. (I think this part is a bug/oversight/assumption, but I'll just keep it here for now. I can certainly start a different thread or report an issue if preferred.)
Having a separate Kettle section would also facilitate Boil pH acid adjustments as discussed in another Feature Request. The Calc would then provide two pH estimates, one for the Mash, and one for the Boil.
The ion summary should be separate for the Mash/Sparge/Kettle as appropriate.
I sometimes need to hold back some or all of my salts to the boil, so as not to drop pH too far. And while I understand moving those additions to the kettle do not affect Mash pH, they do affect Boil pH. It would be nice to see what effect that will have when placed in the Sparge/Kettle section.
Also, when placed in the Sparge/Kettle section, the salts do not show any effect on the ion actuals to see if they are meeting the profile targets. So I have to enter them in the Mash section to dial them in, then move them. Certainly, even though they are post mash, they DO affect the flavor perceptions of the beer, which is why I'm adding them in the first place. As it stands currently, entering them in the Sparge/Kettle section gives me no feedback on their addition in any respect whatsoever.
It is as if the Water Calculator is designed only for mashing and completely disregards any later impact. It could be so much more useful otherwise.
In line with this, perhaps separate Sparge/Kettle sections are in order. While I do BIAB and don't sparge, it seems this section is really ignoring the 'Kettle addition' idea despite the name and treating this as just a Sparge addition. I noticed this because putting salts there, I get an error telling me I need a Sparge volume. But these were Kettle, not Sparge additions. The pre-boil volume should be used in that case for the ion concentration calculations. (I think this part is a bug/oversight/assumption, but I'll just keep it here for now. I can certainly start a different thread or report an issue if preferred.)
Having a separate Kettle section would also facilitate Boil pH acid adjustments as discussed in another Feature Request. The Calc would then provide two pH estimates, one for the Mash, and one for the Boil.
The ion summary should be separate for the Mash/Sparge/Kettle as appropriate.