Labels......your labels, show them off :)

Heya guys..I'm not talented enough to come up with a fancy label so I have been using different color caps and a fine point Sharpie to keep track of batches. I really dig the cap art Haycicle came up'd ya do that guy? I have been thinking about a rubber stamp and some permanant ink or a stencil to get a little fancier but was curious about other ideas....what do you do?
I print a very simple text label on address labels and stick those to the bottle. I've been having some trouble getting them off so I found some removable adhesive labels - my next test. If they work, I'll order a bunch more.
I print a very simple text label on address labels and stick those to the bottle. I've been having some trouble getting them off so I found some removable adhesive labels - my next test. If they work, I'll order a bunch more.
We use small address labels also. A razor blade and some rubbing alcohol works pretty well. Don't do many bottles but mark kegs with them.
Ive been using stickers for kegs and yeast jars and have come to realize they are a PITA to remove.
Ive been using stickers for kegs and yeast jars and have come to realize they are a PITA to remove.
Exactly, it's that PITA factor that I am keeping at bay with my KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) approach with the Sharpie on the cap!

Head First, let me know how the label search goes. There's gotta be something between a Post-it note and a super glue label!
If you print labels on plain paper, cut them out, lightly brush (BBQ brush) milk on the back and place them on the bottle. Running the bottle under hot water takes them off easy.
Ive been using stickers for kegs and yeast jars and have come to realize they are a PITA to remove.
I'll keep you informed as to how the removable adhesive labels work.... AFTER I've ordered a bunch of them, if they do! ;)
Removing labels is truly a PITA. I use hot water and a stainless steel scrubby. One batch works, then the next one you're smearing the adhesive all over the bottle.

I just saw everything I need to do a test. Back later today with results. I stuck a piece of the material on then peeled it off rather easily. Going to let the bottle sit for a while. If I had a second bottle handy, I'd stick a piece on it and soak it in water for a while, simulating bottles that have been in a cooler for a while.
The labels didn't fall off in water - so I ordered all still available on Amazon (three packages, they should get more). The removable labels seem to be the way to go. They're available in different sizes so if you want a bigger label, you can make one.
I think I gotta fit.....3 words.....White Grease Pencil.
I bottle and would like to learn more about labeling
Q: Is there a spray on water soluble adhesive you guys are using
Q: Do you buy a label kit or just cut them out

Best thing to use is Milk... semi-skimmed will do. Labels stick well and wash of easilly
Here is one for a brew I did last night - a Scottish Heavy (70/-)

The stats have yet to put on it - like the IBU, ABV and SRM values and brewing/ bottling date - the brew is jst started fermenting so I wont complete until it has finished.

Some more of my brew labels\ Again some stats not yet finalised eg SRM and IBU levels as boil times and hop levels not finalised yet.
Bottled my Allagash White Clone last weekend... after 21 days I'll put a couple in the fridge and give it a taste but based on the FG tasting this is going to be a very nice beer well worth the effort... I got 28 355ml/12oz bottles out of the 10 liter batch.

Bottled my Allagash White Clone last weekend... after 21 days I'll put a couple in the fridge and give it a taste but based on the FG tasting this is going to be a very nice beer well worth the effort... I got 28 355ml/12oz bottles out of the 10 liter batch.

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So pro barcode and all wow!
This one is for a Leffe Blonde clone I brewed this past weekend SG came in at 1.070. After fermentation I will condition it in bulk for 90 days then bottle it...

I'm working on designing a label. Here is my latest attempt.


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