Oh so this is my time zone I think.
Back in Fiji you can get Fiji Bitter maybe a spin-off on Australia's XXXX bitter similar in that it's mass market pub swill.
So as for little old me residing in Palmwoods/Sunshine Coast/ SE Queensland I'm living in a great region for New and Emerging Craft beer regions of atleast the Eastern Sea board of Australia.
So as long as I've been a forum member of Brewersfriend starting back in I think it was 2016 I knew of 10 Toes Brewery kicking off (starting up)
which is a great starting point because their pale ale is my objective as a HB'er for what I would love to achieve.
I know Rupert started out as a HB'er who's neighbours told him you beer is tops dude.
Another brewery was moffet Beach brewery
I don't know the brewer personally but he is a friend of my wifes friend you know the gist in a small town.
Now this guy has expanded exponentially probably due to his accolades.
Another local craft brewery BrewHAHA make a lovely IPA and I've had the opportunity to taste his Rubarbsour at Hombrewing Event where he was the speaker .
So all In all I think off the top of my head over the last 5 years the sunny coast has become home to more than 22 craft breweries.
I live within a 5 kin drive easily to 5 or more Sunshine Brewery
https://www.sunshinebrewery.com.au/ - also started out a HBer and I've had a lovely chat or two with that brewery- Glasshouse mountain breweryhttps://
had a first hand pest control tour of that brewery lol - Diabalo Brewery who do Ginger beerhttps://diabloco.com.au/ (too sweet tough for my tastes) - Stalwart Brewery who went Bust you might of herd me post about their demise I think nambour is just too hit n miss... I know another brewery up on the blackhall range in Montville (Montville Mist) look to be gone too but last time I drank from that well there was infection issues.
There is Sunshine Coast brewery I think the oldest craft brewery still running
I think Palmwoods where I live would be a great place to start a boutique micro brewery you know Palmwoods own ale house or Palmwoods Craft house i would love the opportunity but don't posses the dollars and the business knownhow and the $ but I've got plenty of beer enthusiasm.
Cheers I've had too much hombrew! I don't get to personally visit that many breweries these days with a wee little lass of our 2 but I've got an unsatiable hunger for good craft beer I hope that never dies!
Honestly though Hombrew beer is my first stop when It comes to beer for me there really isn't much more room for craft beer when you've got as much beer on tap as I brewing over 500lt /year but there is always room for quality craft beer that I'll grab on a special occasion or when I'm looking for inspiration.
Come to the Sunshine Coast.
Beer related compared to your massive American Tap line ups ive seen on this forum you would be disappointed but there is good Great Craft beer to be found in my region maybe not the gargantuan selection but still mouthwatering none the less.