I Got an Infection...I think....What do you think?

Cue Thomas Dolby.... I check gravities in two ways, depending on the fermentor in use. Checking gravity with a "thief" doesn't scare me much - the fermenting/fermented beer has a CO2 blanket atop it, the thief doesn't create too much turbulence or displace too much of the gas so I don't worry there. Some of my fermentors are ported - I take the sample from the bottom. Yes, a little air gets sucked in but that's not enough to worry about. Any time I rack, I flush the new container with CO2 so any splashing won't cause oxidation. And that's made quite a positive contribution to my beer quality as well!
Nosey, how do you flush your container with CO2? What is your process and how do you accomplish that? Do you have a tank of CO2 gas that you release a bit of inside the fermenter before you fill?
Stick a hose down to the bottom of the container, crack the valve on the CO2 tank, hum the Jeopardy music, shut off the valve. Actually, only half the Jeopardy music.
