I brewed today!

Well I'm doing a mini brew today 4 liters mash .550kg pils to make 1.040wort for my starters I've got a couple of preserving jars I'll just boil for fifteen then dump it in hot into 1lt Masson jars. Starters sorted:D

Anyone else do this its a bit lame but I just wanta brew:rolleyes:.

I do extra wort in a batch to put in jars but set them in the pressure cooker til it reaches 15lbs for safe sanitizing. Not really sure if that is necessary but had a jar pop a lid in the frig once so don't want to take anymore chances. It didn't smell bad but I will allways wonder what grew in there in refrigerated wort.
Brewing 2 batches of beer 10gal each, 1 Dark Hefe and 1 Saison that will be split and peaches put in 5gal.
I do extra wort in a batch to put in jars but set them in the pressure cooker til it reaches 15lbs for safe sanitizing. Not really sure if that is necessary but had a jar pop a lid in the frig once so don't want to take anymore chances. It didn't smell bad but I will allways wonder what grew in there in refrigerated wort.
Yep I was researching this yesterday and saw the pressure cooker thing yep I'd do it if I had one for sure. I'll know if their no good if the lid is popped! I don't plan on leaving em too long neither .

Yep I have been pinching wort on brew day for starter but my efficiency was outta wack so thought I'd go this way. Only 550g of Pilsn malt so all up it cost me about 1.50$ for 3 lt of starter I'm happy with that:rolleyes:.
I have an extra 1/2 gallon sometimes more of bottom of the mash tun wort I could do this with on every batch, its pretty thick and gunky but thats a good idea I have canning supplies, I should try this
I have an extra 1/2 gallon sometimes more of bottom of the mash tun wort I could do this with on every batch, its pretty thick and gunky but thats a good idea I have canning supplies, I should try this
Waste not want not:p.
I was thinking you could pour this half gallon into let's say your flask left that separate then try decant top beer off put that in mason jars then do your canning boil?
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Continental Pilsner. It's a recipe I "borrowed" from an extract kit. I brewed it as a SMaSH. Pilsner and Liberty. Target gravity was 49, and I hit it, with my expected volume. And I have a primary to move to secondary, plus I have to keg to make room for today's brew. It's only a 5 cf freezer, one carboy max.
Continental Pilsner. It's a recipe I "borrowed" from an extract kit. I brewed it as a SMaSH. Pilsner and Liberty. Target gravity was 49, and I hit it, with my expected volume. And I have a primary to move to secondary, plus I have to keg to make room for today's brew. It's only a 5 cf freezer, one carboy max.
What yeast did you attack it with there Jeffpn just curious I've got plenty Pilsner Malt as ya know keeping options open:).
I usually use W34/70, but their kit calls for S-23. Been a while since I've used that, that's what I went with. 55°F fermentation.
Well I'm doing a mini brew today 4 liters mash .550kg pils to make 1.040wort for my starters I've got a couple of preserving jars I'll just boil for fifteen then dump it in hot into 1lt Masson jars. Starters sorted:D

Anyone else do this its a bit lame but I just wanta brew:rolleyes:.
Hey brewing today thought I'd whip out two of them starters and get a starter going! To my shock all three of them were infected I didn't take any snaps but a thick heavy ring of green smelly gunk had formed at all three jars tops and lids were bursting at the seams. So I had to make one,with DME. In the past they have been fine I didn't pre boil the jars to sanitize I just filled them with sanitizer then wacked in the boiling wort.

Hay so just a note probably best to use a canner afterwards to boil the crap outta the mason jars. Cheers
yeah sanitizer doesn't get rid of sugar or yeast residue, and most people don't know this but sanitizer kills on contact only it doesn't protect at all unless its touching so once its gone that residue can still get infected
Brewing right bow ... think i may have got a bit ambitious with 5.7 kg (12.5 lbs) in my 22 l stock pot ( 5.8 gal )
thickest mash i ever attempted ! looks like porridge ..... might extend mash time to 90 mins to ensure full conversion
planning on doing a single hop IPA tomorrow with Idaho 7, or the Golden Hop, whatever you wanna call it. 2-row and Munich malt bill, US-05 at 60º. Hoping for a good brew.
Brewing right bow ... think i may have got a bit ambitious with 5.7 kg (12.5 lbs) in my 22 l stock pot ( 5.8 gal )
thickest mash i ever attempted ! looks like porridge ..... might extend mash time to 90 mins to ensure full conversion
And make sure to sparge Mark I hear the thicker the mash and more grains the more,likely sugar is going to get caught up in grains. Good luck I've just taken a pre boil measurement and hitting near 100% on extraction 89% pre boil so she's looking good for me today. I'll post a pick of test tube at end of boil.
97.3 % conversion and 85 % pre boil ....i did sparge more than normal but boil kettle is almost at boil over levels :(
Doubt the land lords would be happy if 4 days after giving me a new stove and oven i cover it in sticky , hard to clean wort
boil gravity today is 1.078 so had to fiddle my hops to get the bitterness i want
97.3 % conversion and 85 % pre boil ....i did sparge more than normal but boil kettle is almost at boil over levels :(
Doubt the land lords would be happy if 4 days after giving me a new stove and oven i cover it in sticky , hard to clean wort.

boil gravity today is 1.078 so had to fiddle my hops to get the bitterness i want
Cooling my wort ATM Mark why don't ya cut the top off that keg and biab in that then you can full volume mash if you want hit boil and not worry about boil overs. You smashed my pre boil by 5% mate but I'm reconning I'm gunna catch up into the fermentor :rolleyes: time will tell. Here's a pick of my setup.

Those numbers are similar to mine Mark I usually hit 96% extraction then drop to about 75 ending kettle.


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remember i'll be adding a heap of water to FV to make up volume , target gravity is 1.050 ish
i don't record ending kettle , i use pre boil and brewhouse numbers to see where i'm losing sugars
average over last 6 months is 73.1 % Brewhouse
last batch was 78 % and this one actually looks higher again ....like to know where i'm getting the gains !

Bought all the parts to make my keggle but have been sidetracked with my B'day yesterday and the sheer volume of drinking i need to do to continue calling myself a pirate
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think i'll get time to make the keggle up in next few weeks , would be bloody nice to just cube half a batch and put other half straight into FV
remember i'll be adding a heap of water to FV to make up volume , target gravity is 1.050 ish
i don't record ending kettle , i use pre boil and brewhouse numbers to see where i'm losing sugars
average over last 6 months is 73.1 % Brewhouse
last batch was 78 % and this one actually looks higher again ....like to know where i'm getting the gains !

Bought all the parts to make my keggle but have been sidetracked with my B'day yesterday and the sheer volume of drinking i need to do to continue calling myself a pirate

Oki doki Mark me old mate the numbers are in wort is chilled to 23c and in fermentor chilling down to18c added 'm54 cheat lager ha ha. We have a close Finnish on our hands Mark I'll up load the pic of hydrometer sample. Brew = steam L 2 if ya wanna check recipe. Fermentor volume =21lt at FG GraviTry of 1.052 According to Brewers friend brew house efficiency log =83% brew house efficiency wow! Best so far :p I smashed my numbers today I,blitzed my own grain in thermomix into near flour to mash in I'm stoked with this as second time milling grain in thermomix my grain bill =4.450kg FG =1.052 expected was 1.047at 71%efficiency which I had calc set at.

Let me know how ya go Mark.


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overall brewhouse is back at 72 where it usually is .... very thick mash and 76 g of hops in the boil may not have helped , lost a lot in hops and trub
recipe is little creatures pale ale
Now that is one tasty brew Mark I love the little creatures range Maybe I could use my pils as a base for this and substitute the Amarillo for Cascade in late hops and use magnum for boil bitterness it wouldn't be the same but I'm sure it would be a reasonable brew prob next brew on list.

Looking forward to your keggle completion Mark then there won't be any dilutions just all grain all liquor mashes probably easier to calculate and easier for average efficiency cheers Mark time will tell how these brews turn out cheers!:D

Hay I pretty much all trubbed into fermentor so efficiency would of been down a pit more but as you know I throw it all in and let it sort itself out
