Homebrew or Pro brew?

Just a note to this discussion, with doing larger batches (over 5gal) I don't need to find time as often so the timesaving comes into play too. We very much enjoy walking up to the tap and pulling that handle even when a day has been a rough one because you remember a good day when that IPA hit it's numbers perfectly. I was doing 20gal batches with 2 mash tuns and 2 boil kettles and the fun turned into a complicated brew day with less enjoyment. Doing simple 10gal batches takes same time as 5gal with twice the reward as standard 5gal. We have more homebrew to drink, enjoyed brewing it and I guess saved a bit of propane. When I feel adventurous I still try 20gal but only to make more beer in less time. It's not as much fun.
I’d consider larger batches, but we already have to haul 5 gallons of boiling wort 100’ from the detached garage and down a flight of steps.
5 gallon batches helps me brew more and drink less. We enjoy the variety.

We drink HB at home and go to the pubs for the pro stuff. It’s interesting how many of the pros play it safe with recipes and at times appear to be working from the same sheet of music. They do provide a fun social setting and some have good food.
5 gallon batches helps me brew more and drink less. We enjoy the variety.

We drink HB at home and go to the pubs for the pro stuff. It’s interesting how many of the pros play it safe with recipes and at times appear to be working from the same sheet of music. They do provide a fun social setting and some have good food.

I completely agree W but think about it, they are In the business to sell what the average craft beer drinker likes, not what the average homebrewer likes!
We have over 30 craft breweries in our area. Most are awesome. Some, while they are “pro” couldn’t beat a new home brewer using a kit with old ingredients in a local competition. I enjoy visiting all of them and must admit, it brings a smile to my face when my beer stands tall in comparison.
I'm about 50/50....I (try to) brew what I like to drink, but also like a bit of variety, but also don't have the time or capacity to brew the variety I like to drink.
So, I generally have cases of my own beer and a selection of commercial beer in the cellar / fridge. Depending on what mood I am in, I'll grab what's appropriate....anything from a wheat, to an IPA, to an Helles, to an alc. free wheat w/ (home made) elderberry flower syrup.:D
(if you can't tell, it is early summer here ;))
How do you work that magic: Homebrew that costs less than store bought? :)
I agree with Nosybear. I brew 5 to 8 5 gallon batches a year & all seem to cost about $50. I buy local & don't harvest my yeast. I make IPAs, Stouts, Saisons & Dark Lgers. I use Distilled Water at approx $1 a gallon for 10 Gallons. I wouldn't count my Equipment costs & Depreciation as all my equipment is over 5 years old, some of it is 20 years old.
When I bottled, I got 27 20 Oz Bottles. It took 4712 Oz bottles. Bottles or Kegs it's still $10 a gallon. That's pretty close to $1 a bottle. Most Craft Bottles go for $5 to $8 each. While it's cheaper, by far to Homebrew, I enjoy the creativity & the love of my neighbors, I haven't shoveled my sidewalks in years. When I buy/drink Pro Brews, I buy Dry Dock, but I sleep around. Chamber Spirits is like hanging out at a singles bar.
I agree with Nosybear. I brew 5 to 8 5 gallon batches a year & all seem to cost about $50. I buy local & don't harvest my yeast. I make IPAs, Stouts, Saisons & Dark Lgers. I use Distilled Water at approx $1 a gallon for 10 Gallons. I wouldn't count my Equipment costs & Depreciation as all my equipment is over 5 years old, some of it is 20 years old.
When I bottled, I got 27 20 Oz Bottles. It took 4712 Oz bottles. Bottles or Kegs it's still $10 a gallon. That's pretty close to $1 a bottle. Most Craft Bottles go for $5 to $8 each. While it's cheaper, by far to Homebrew, I enjoy the creativity & the love of my neighbors, I haven't shoveled my sidewalks in years. When I buy/drink Pro Brews, I buy Dry Dock, but I sleep around. Chamber Spirits is like hanging out at a singles bar.
I do okay on ingredients, about comparable with what I'd spend on two cases of good craft beer. It's the equipment and time that cost but it's a hobby. If all I wanted was good beer, I'd go to the liquor store (or the Dry Dock, I'm an Aurora resident too). Since you're a local, are you coming to Homebrew Night at the Brew Hut? It's at 6:30 tonight.
5 gallon batches helps me brew more and drink less. We enjoy the variety.

We drink HB at home and go to the pubs for the pro stuff. It’s interesting how many of the pros play it safe with recipes and at times appear to be working from the same sheet of music. They do provide a fun social setting and some have good food.

Nice to be just minutes from beervana, isn't it? BTW, Miriam is talking seriously about a trip up your way in October. Will let you know when plans have been finalized. Hopefully we'll be able to get together.
