Heres a first for this guy

The clarity has me confused actually. I am getting bubbles still, but starting to slow after 2 days at 70F , makes sense. This batch sure make the "bottom feeding " yeast of a lager seem pretty true ! Not sure of that even makes sense but makes me chuckle either way. Real excited to take a gravity reading...

Do you always use gelatin? I have , and have also used sparkaloid, great results with both. I am really thinking hard about just letting this one go all natural, I expect to lager it for a month anyway before c
Force carb anyway.
Giving in, waiting for a sample to settle out then I'll have a gravity lol, stay tuned...
I don't use gelatin , I use polyclar and find it very effective .

Interesting to see what sort of attenuation your alien delivers ..may need to invade their planet and create a brutopia
Old alien has out out 71% so far, 1.012, expecting 1.011 FG. Pretty much right on par to my diacetyl rest which is awesome !

Haha, never would have figured that one out, but awesome!
This is what i mean by cloudy its @ 1.010 80% attenuation im not expecting anything more out of this yeast its done well to drop this 1.054 wort this low. Yep they can have a rest not till next weekend then ill pitch some of this slurry benmarzin brew cant wait.

I use geletin every brew.
Ok sn00KY see how cloudy that test flask is i bet you in just 2 weeks i can have it looking near crystal clear in a glass for ya;).


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Let them rest, oh that's wicked. Yeasticles are just such an awesome being.

I can't wait to see the results, here's my sample, see if I can resist the gelatin....My will power is equivalent to a rat though ha!


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So Day 8, decided to secondary this batch since I did a full kettle dump, and going to lager. Transferred, kept a sample for FG, then displace headspace with C02 and into the chamber it goes. Controller set to drop temp 1 deg per 6 hours until at 32, then back to 34 to lager.
I took reading and my FG is 1.011 - 73.2%, expected 1.011 and 73% average from yeast used. I read the hydrometer 3 times in aw.

But to all this, the sample below, is straight out of primary, no settling time - I have never seen so clear, so early in the progress. This sure has been a different brew. Tastes about what I would expect for such a simple recipe.
Just about to keg my Pilsner I'm brewing my Marzen today and will use some slurry from this brew:).
Speaking of! Last few weeks I've been telling myself I am going to start washing yeast and start a stock pile of the common ones I use, finally.
Low and behold, what do I do when I rack, boom right down the sink. Oh the church bells rang aloud for a minute this afternoon...arggg.
Speaking of! Last few weeks I've been telling myself I am going to start washing yeast and start a stock pile of the common ones I use, finally.
Low and behold, what do I do when I rack, boom right down the sink. Oh the church bells rang aloud for a minute this afternoon...arggg.
Yeah i think yeast perform better a brew or two in. I keep my dry yeasy this batch on 34/70 is 3rd gen on marzan itll be 4th. First time using slurry though i usually mix a good starter and pinch some of that before pitching.
Its a habit Snook :).

Below is my hazzy comparrison 81.5 attenuation accordingto calculator.


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What do you keep your yeast in between brews? Are you concerned of head space in bottle or top up with boiled / cooled water?

Hazy, but a lot more normal I figure! Did that yeast call for that high of attenuation?
What do you keep your yeast in between brews? Are you concerned of head space in bottle or top up with boiled / cooled water?

Hazy, but a lot more normal I figure! Did that yeast call for that high of attenuation?
Ill be pitching that yeast tomorrow morn its wed arvo here atm. Ill let that chill to 10c pitch temp overnight.

I get average 80% attenuation out of 34/70 i step mashed and decocted that wort hoping for good attenuation as well.

I normally store my yeast under the fermented beer in small jars in fridge.

Check out brulosphers yeast handling thread i do same as that;).
Speaking of! Last few weeks I've been telling myself I am going to start washing yeast and start a stock pile of the common ones I use, finally.
Low and behold, what do I do when I rack, boom right down the sink. Oh the church bells rang aloud for a minute this afternoon...yaaarggghhh.
Fixed that for you , no laws against speaking pirate anywhere I've been
I like the idea of storing under the beer, much easier than boil / cool (not hard I guess but hard to plan ahead). Thanks!
I build my starters to a higher cell count than needed then save a portion in grolsch bottles for next batch .
When quality liquid yeast costs as much as it does here in the glorious peoples republic of bottom of Australia I need to make it count
I too have done that just the 1 time, trying to hone in on my equipment setup, so built enough to pitch and enough to start another starter. This way I had same strain, same recipe, same everything and only difference is equipment changes I made, and process.

I would like to do this as well, but it seems I am not usually planned ahead enough to accomplish this without under-pitching. Going forward I think I am going to try this at least on my liquid yeast purchases!
