Hate new update

Picture is smaller but size of box is the same. I don't need my avatar on the page, I know its me!
As noted by other members, no need for the box or picture in the upper left. Wasted space.
I like the ability to select wide or narrow spacing when printing a recipe; however, the font is too small. I much prefer the previous font and layout.

Also, when saving my recipes today, the Author/Source field changes I've made are not being saved. This is true whether I'm editing an old recipe or creating a new one.
Picture is smaller but box is same size. No space saved.
Wort temperature for whirlpool or hopback is not working properly only goes up to 99 degrees
Water totals for mash not adding/ updating properly when editing.
I also am not a big fan of the new update for when you choose to print. I like to have empty margins when I print my recipes so that I can take notes. In the past I could accomplish this by scaling the page to 90% when I printed. It would give me a little space all the way around.

Now when I scale, everything stays stretched out all the way to the edge on the top, left and right and the scale just affects how much space there is at the bottom for some reason. I have tried it on Firefox and Chrome and it did the same thing.

I'm sorry to be nitpicky and I get that stuff has to change and not everyone writes notes along side the different parts of the recipe as they go, but it definitely is a little annoying to have to start handling my recipes differently than I have for the past couple years.
Picture is smaller but box is same size. No space saved.
Wort temperature for whirlpool or hopback is not working properly only goes up to 99 degrees
Water totals for mash not adding/ updating properly when editing.
View attachment 7483

The "box size" for the temperature was inadvertently changed to only 2 digits- but you actually can use 180 degrees (you just can't see it). However the fix is coming out (hopefully tonight).

The water totals for mash and sparge are working- are you having issues with it?
Mash and sparge working ok again.
