Getting the stems out

Airflow!! I knew you geniuses would come up with something :)
I've sorted through 5 lbs so far, I didn't time myself because I have nothing but time these days. I will say it was a success, because I had zero issues grinding the grain, which was my main concern. I don't think there was enough material to affect my extract efficiency, but I do small batches, so it could be possible...
I still like William's (and have since bought more equipment from them...) but I won't be using them for ingredients unless it's my only option.
I can't believe it...the equipment order from William's arrived today, and it was missing an item! :eek: I called immediately and they are sending it out, but I think I might be on a permanent break from them
That's not good for building confidence in a company.
I can't believe it...the equipment order from William's arrived today, and it was missing an item! :eek: I called immediately and they are sending it out, but I think I might be on a permanent break from them
That's unfortunate. Covid has ruined the world! :confused:
