Getting a new BIAB set up

No, not yet, that is the full volume test and is next. Need to get numbers for boil off, time to tmep, auto tune the PID, and how much deads pace there is.

Yesterday was just making sure everything worked and was water tight.

It has a basket and a bag
Life has been super crazy, still need to run the full volume test and the Starsan batch to passivate the SS.
I am also about to order a SS Brewtech 7gallon Brew bucket for my new fermenter
Brew Bucket will be here Wednesday!

Have come across another issue. My old kettle was fat and short, new one is tall and thinner...this means my mesh hop basket does not reach the wort at a 5 gallon boil level.

I have a whirlpool and side pick up tube, could I go leaf without too much issue

Made this out of crap in the brewhouse, should work until I come up with a better solution.

Bag hangs inside the boil coil so I should get good movement for the hops. Will use leaf....
Every time I watch them dig up bones on Expedition unknown, or some other science show, i can't help but ask myself how long someone must be dead before it stops being grave robbing and becomes archeology??

A week
