generic brewshop shopping list

thanks for all the ideas.
  • Amber DME (there isn't light available)
  • Patagonia Black pearl
  • Castle Biscuit
  • Castle Crystal 120 (there isn't Special B in stock)
You have made me feel grateful for all the flavoring grains, hops, and malts I can order, even if I have to wait a few more days lately. Thank you for bringing me back to Earth about the reality of other brewers around the world. Brew and enjoy. Cheers!
well, thatwthat list is just my selection. where I live (Chile) there are many malts available, hops also quite a few, but extract is very hard to come by. I don't know why because is so much easier to get into brewing using extract and for the brew shops the more brewers the better.....
well, thatwthat list is just my selection. where I live (Chile) there are many malts available, hops also quite a few, but extract is very hard to come by. I don't know why because is so much easier to get into brewing using extract and for the brew shops the more brewers the better.....
Extract is more costly per liter of finished beer... Maybe that's why?
thanks for all the ideas.

So far I have this in the list:

  • Amber DME (there isn't light available)
  • Patagonia Black pearl
  • Castle Biscuit
  • Castle Crystal 120 (there isn't Special B in stock)
  • Weyermann Caraaroma

  • Kveik
  • Mangroove M44 (is a bit cheaper than US05)

  • Maltodextrin
  • Lactose
  • Dextrose

  • Starsan
  • Caps

About the hops between these three which one would you choose (just one): Centennial, Glacier or Magnum??
I would choose between one or the other with the crystal 120 and the caraaroma. (I think I prefer 120 myself as when I've used the caraaroma it seemed pretty intense)

I'd snag a base malt or two for mini-mashes (if you were serious about trying them)

Magnum is a nice clean bittering hop. I'd honestly get both Magnum AND one of the other two... It really depends on the type of beers you are brewing though...

What you have looks pretty decent to get you going.
I need some help, where I live buying ingredients for brewing is a bit of a hassle so I'm trying to decide on a "generic" ingredients list: some dry yeast, some caramels and roasted malt one or two dual purpose hops... etc. So when I want to brew something I can use what I have and don't have to wait for shipping.
I brew from liquid extract with steeped grains, just some times when I feel particularly inspired I do a mini mash.
I never go above 6% ABV and never brew lagers.
So what kinds of malts, yeast and hops would you recommend to have in storage when you know yet what will you brew.
I almost forgot to mention:
Yeast nutrient
Whirlfloc tabs or Irish moss
