Sorry to dig this up from the past few months. But having an issue with my Helles I've fined with Gelatin.
Last night, I boiled up some water, added 3/4 teaspoon(measured spoon) into 100ml water that I boiled and left to chill for about 5 mins and added to the keg. I then transfered the Helles to the keg as I usually would do. I pulled a small sample(about a quater of a pint) as I usually do 12 hours later to see how the carbonation is and see how the gelatin is working.
I took a sip and noticed small amounts of jelly, so poured through a seive and yes, there is a small amount in the beer. So instant sad face/annoyance with myself as I've went wrong somewhere.
My question is, will they eventually settle down in keg and I'll have usual clear beer, Or should I look at purchasing a filter to remove the gelatin?
Edit: Just remembered I also have some Brausol special, which is a Silica based liquid. I know its positive charged where Gelatin is negative.