footer is covering some pages

I'm finding it fixed on some and not on other; forums page and recipe search are fine but brew sessions is not fine.....nice try sparky, but try again and try harder.
Agreed - not fixed. All the sections under "My Brewing" still have the problem for me.

This is a mighty long time to have such a basic bug unfixed. Here's a suggestion: get rid of the bottom banner completely until you know you can add it back in without causing problems.
Anyone got any suggestions for exporting info off this site to something more reliable?
It could be a cache issue. Can you try clearing cache and cookies and let me know if it's resolved?
its working for opera again for most of the site, only the parts where sessions are used to keep you logged in, other parts like before blog and tools the footer blocks things still, how ever you fixed these user pages just change for the non user pages
seems to be fixed for me in opera logged in or out on all pages, thanks
Looks ok on mobile (using Chrome). Thanks.
Seems to be fixed now for me, using Safari on Mavericks.
If you see it again please provide the URL in this thread.

Thanks guys!
Its back on pages that are not user pages like blog and calculator's. on my phone with IE
Thank you, I'll see about getting it check out.
I need to know the device and operating system for your phone please.
Please clear your cache for the phone and try again. We were not able to replicate seeing the footer cover anything.
