First time brewing

Thanks for pointing that out. Had no idea.
Will check with The hydrometer later and let you know.

Thanks for pointing that out. Had no idea.
Will check with The hydrometer later and let you know.

Also, calibrate your hydrometer and refractometer with distilled water. Mineral water has dissolved salts so the SG is greater than one.
@Edan Z how did things work out with that batch, did it carb up and mellow out after time?
It certainly did. Although the carbonation drops did not provide nearly enough sugar for my preferred carbonation level, which is around 3.2 volumes. Also, it mellowed to the point that it tastes very clean and delicious.

Because I only had 750 ml bottles when I bottled this, I wasn't able to cold condition it in the bottle much at all (no room in the fridge). Therefore, it took longer, about 2 months for it to taste good. My second batch, which I cold conditioned in short bottles, was ready to drink about a month earlier than the first one.
