Yep, foot-pounds instead of newtons, or vice versa. A $300,000,000 divot on the surface of Mars, all because the US can't ditch an ancient system of measurement based on the length of some king's appendages. I lived in Germany for a while so am very comfortable with metric units, love them actually, because driving 130 km/h just seems faster.... For quick and dirty, the following conversions work: A meter is a yard with inflation (around 3%). A liter is an overfilled quart. A kilogram is just over two pounds. The Fahrenheit temperature is twice the Celsius temperature plus 30 (thanks, Bob and Doug, for that one).... All I can figure is our units of measure are somehow a barrier to entry to foreign competition in some consumer goods, although we are buying a lot of 16.9 ounce (one half liter) containers these days....