First crack at this

Sulfur happens.

Sometimes. No worries. It'll go away.
Not familiar with that yeast, but from the description, I wouldn't be surprised if it's similar to Fermentis K-97. That's a clean malt-forward yeast that prefers lower temps and it will act a little like a lager yeast. I've gotten some sulfur off of that during fermentation, but never any residual in the aroma or flavor.
I think slight sulfur odor is sort of good during fermentation. I've experienced cleaner flavors in the finished beer when it opposed to fruity aromas during fermentation that tend to hang around a little longer in the finished product.
Thanks for the encouragement first attempt so I really have no clue what I should smell, it's not a strong smell just happened to catch a whiff of it while checking my air lock
I've only smelled sulfur once. It was a lager. It cleared up just fine, no traces.
You'll be fine. I guarantee it!!
Na she's all good I had some Sulfur coming off my moctoberfest couple weeks back first lager apparently they fart a bit ha ha. Yea not been brewing long enough to give you rock solid advise but that fart smell went away a few days later. I'm guzzling that beer ATM and not the slightest hint of fart in that so as all things brewing give it some time and crack another home brew and watch the magic happen
Quick question friends seem to be fermenting ok smell some sulfur odor should I be concerned , this is a wheat recipe Wyeast 1010 American Wheat was the yeast pack , extract kit
Na she's all good I had some Sulfur coming off my moctoberfest couple weeks back first lager apparently they fart a bit ha ha. Yea not been brewing long enough to give you rock solid advise but that fart smell went away a few days later. I'm guzzling that beer ATM and not the slightest hint of fart in that so as all things brewing give it some time and crack another home brew and watch the magic happen
Thanks I'll take that a a positive it'll be okay, ... Now if I can convince my wife farts are a good thing I'd be golden rofl !!!
if you use US05 enough people will get used to the smell, Im not kidden :D
You should be warned that if you get carried away with taste-testing the gravity samples when the beer is in the sulfur-producing stage (it's all in the aroma and seldom in the flavor, BTW), some hours later the most ungodly flatulence you can imagine will ensue and you'll be sleeping by yourself on the porch. :eek: :)
You should be warned that if you get carried away with taste-testing the gravity samples when the beer is in the sulfur-producing stage (it's all in the aroma and seldom in the flavor, BTW), some hours later the most ungodly flatulence you can imagine will ensue and you'll be sleeping by yourself on the porch. :eek: :)
Yep I've lived and learned with that one there JA belly swelled instantly and that fart carries through on the pallet not a plesant tast thank God that flavour smell dissipates!
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I wouldn't be concerned. Some sulfur is normal in many fermentations.
Should be fine wheat beers usually have a hint of sulfur dont worry. my first brews like most turned out weird because i kept opening it and looking at the process. eventually youll brew, pitch leave then remeber you had a brew going lol. try not to open it much, as said above leave 10 days youll be fine, try it and let us know! dont give up you never know the next brew might be the best one.
You should be warned that if you get carried away with taste-testing the gravity samples when the beer is in the sulfur-producing stage (it's all in the aroma and seldom in the flavor, BTW), some hours later the most ungodly flatulence you can imagine will ensue and you'll be sleeping by yourself on the porch. :eek: :)
Hahaha thanks for the advice!!!
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Should be fine wheat beers usually have a hint of sulfur dont worry. my first brews like most turned out weird because i kept opening it and looking at the process. eventually youll brew, pitch leave then remeber you had a brew going lol. try not to open it much, as said above leave 10 days youll be fine, try it and let us know! dont give up you never know the next brew might be the best one.
The urge is almost too much, I guess having 4 teenage boys and a 16 month old girl has taught me one thing its patience. I will keep trying i am already dreaming of flavor profiles lol
Should be fine wheat beers usually have a hint of sulfur dont worry. my first brews like most turned out weird because i kept opening it and looking at the process. eventually youll brew, pitch leave then remeber you had a brew going lol. try not to open it much, as said above leave 10 days youll be fine, try it and let us know! dont give up you never know the next brew might be the best one.
Well the fart stage I think is slowly leaving I smell more of a malt and a hint of fruity aroma im psyched i am determined not to touch it till I feel it's done.. The suspense is killing me
So I'm guessing this is the first brew in the pipeline for a while aye GPA yep that urge to caress ya fermentation till completion will fade with time but I'm sure there ain't many Brewers here who don't watch their air lock like a hawk till they see bubbling! That's what I'm looking for activity in airlock no clear carboys here plastic bucket so cant peep in. When that air lock slows to one per half minute that's when I take my first grav reading to gague when fermentation is completed I will also up the temp here to to keep those yeasties munching only slightly.
