I think that's the beauty of home brew. I always wanted to do home brewing, but with kids and a full time job, weekends were reserved for catching up on work around the house. Now that the kids are grown up, I have been able to rekindle my desire for making home brew.
First, I started watching videos and reading in earnest, and eventually stumbled upon CraigTube. For me, I was learning a lot about the basics from Craig. Then when he articulated why he brews beer, for simple economic purposes, I realized that Craig and I may not have as much in common for what we want out of our home brew. He likes beer, and really cant afford to purchase beer, so brewing for him satisfies his budget and his love for beer. (He could actually save even more money as all grain kits are cheaper than extract kits, but that's another story. Then you stumble across home brewers that can easily afford beer, but enjoy the art and attention to detail to make something truly respectable and the desire to make great craft beer. And then there is everywhere in between for other home brewers.
In the end, we all make beer, but based on our needs, financially, children, time, etc., we can all get the same satisfaction from homebrewing, its just our purpose for brewing may be diffferent.