Haha it's not! This is exactly what my answer would be! You could use a different base malt and hop each brew and never run out if combos for pale alePretty sure this is cheating lol
I want to change my answer to "beer style".
Excellent choice. Simple, sublime and goes so well with food. Downside is they are tough to brew a good one.I’m going with Helles. Not for the variation potential but it’s a beer I could drink a lot of without getting sick of it.
Yes they do but it’s subtile and makes them so drinkable. . The waiting though …Excellent choice. Simple, sublime and goes so well with food. Downside is they are tough to brew a good one.
I would have a hard time choosing between a Helles and German Pils. Some would cry “Boring!”, but to me both beers are so simple and yet have a depth to them. Yum!
German Pilsner or Maerzen.If you could only brew one style of beer forever, what would it be? You're allowed to change up the grains, adjuncts, hops, yeast, whatever ingredients you want for each batch, but it has to fall within the same style every time. What type of beer would you pick?
Permission error.I was counting how many times I've brewed what and I'll be honest it's my brown, I love this beer and always have it on tap
That’s what I like to hearRight now I say IPA, but give me another month or two in the PNW, and I just might change my mind. Over the past week, I’ve enjoyed a few solid stouts.
Saison for me, big variation in yeast including brett or lacto too, grain bills, and hops that it would keep me pretty occupied.