Dry Hop under pressure

Ya hops get heavy when wet. Bigger magnet? But like you said ….its still beer!!
I think more magnets is the answer. That way I can stretch the hop bag out along the top of the fermenter rather than have it hang down from a single spot.
Hmmm. Steel hop pellets?
Well my attempt at a double dry hop has failed and has instead become a single dry hop. On day 2 of fermentation I added 3 oz of El Dorado hops at high kreuzen. At that time I also put 2 oz of El Dorado and 2 oz of Bru-1 in a hop sock and, using a magnet, attached it to the inside of the fermenter. It was hard to tell but, the bottom of the bag was either 1 mm above or 1 mm below the top of the kreuzen. I expect it was the latter because 6 hours later the bag had detached from the magnet and was in fully in the beer. :( I assume the bag and hops wicked up liquid until they became too heavy for the magnet to hold. Oh well, another lesson learned the hard way. I'll still have beer; it just won't have all the aromatics I was hoping for.
Just my opinion Larry, but I found that dry hopping during high krausen did not give me the aroma results I was looking for. I get much better results with one large dry addition just as fermentation is finishing up.
Just my opinion Larry, but I found that dry hopping during high krausen did not give me the aroma results I was looking for. I get much better results with one large dry addition just as fermentation is finishing up.
In previous brews of this recipe I did one dry hop addition at the end. However, this time I wanted to test out adding some dry hops at high-kreuzen and the rest at the end. I was hoping to add some flavor complexity with the high-kreuzen hops and still have the aroma from the hops at the end. However the laws of physics had other plans for this beer.
