Drinking on brew day

Do you drink while brewing?

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Overall, too much risk of error or injury. I wait until I'm chilling the wort before even considering tasting samples.
Poll needs to have more options: Sometimes...In strict moderation...After critical operations are done...etc.
And one shouldn't assume that the brewday tee-totalers among us care more about their craft than those in the "of course" column, as the wording of the response choices seems to imply.
generally speaking, the later in the day that i brew, the more likely i am to open a few during the process

however, i do remember a brewday where i wanted (almost needed) to go sleep, and barely wanted to finish the brewing

that's the trick if you are going to drink. being able to time the inebriation when everything is winding down and you just have to clean stuff up
I wait until the boil and then slow roll a couple beers. I've brewed while hammered to varying results. Made a beautiful wit While borderline black out drunk, and made a batch of infected beer that tasted like lemons and shoe leather. So now, we wait till the boil.
Problem with me is I get real lazy after a brew or two so this is why I restrain myself from drinking whilst brewing or anything physical. My 20 minute addition might turn into a 10 minute or heck whenever I feel like pealing my self off my seat haha.
Poll needs to have more options: Sometimes...In strict moderation...After critical operations are done...etc.
And one shouldn't assume that the brewday tee-totalers among us care more about their craft than those in the "of course" column, as the wording of the response choices seems to imply.
Ask and ye shall receive, J A. Didn't mean to imply that those who abstain while tending kettle were more focused than those who partake while mashing. I see your point, however, and have added more choices to the poll. I find this whole thread pretty interesting...I'm glad it garnered the discussion and feedback it has. I will continue abstaining on brew day until the brew is racked, but I assume they'll come a day where I'll have a cold one while things are still rolling - no judgements!
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I find this whole thread pretty interesting...I'm glad it garnered the discussion and feedback it has.
I totally agree. We all have our comfort zones and I suspect that most brewers will vary their regimen from time to time to account for visitors, hot weather, etc. ;)
Interesting topic for sure. However, I don't think the poll makes much sense. I bet most of us in reality would say "It depends." I bet we all have brew sessions where we don't drink at all, and I bet we all have brew sessions where we drink one or more.
Well, it isn't an exact science...and for the record it is my first poll. I assumed there would be some folks who have hard and fast rules (which it seems there are), and, to your point, there are folks that would say it depends. Not sure how to best poll that, or if a poll is even necessary. It seems like a grey area with some definitive outliers (like most things in life).

The main reason I asked the question in this thread was because, when I started brewing, I assumed this would be a relaxing, drinking-friendly hobby (which it is and can certainly be). However, for me personally, I make the best beer when I'm sober and focused - work hard play hard, which is rewarding and justifiable for me.

Because of this change of perspective, I wanted to take a sample of folks to see where they fall on the matter...
I think it's a great topic. I'm enjoying seeing what everyone is saying. Everyone is a winner!
I've pulled some 5oz samples if I have a guest brewer. Otherwise no. I'm measuring, making notes, observing, etc. I'm a geek about getting it all straight. AND, I always brew in the am, so it doesn't work. Once I start, I gotta stay on it or take a nap. I don't know how anybody drinks a breakfast beer, wait hours, drink a lunch beer, wait, etc. I'm a "cheap date" I guess. :D
Yep same not only nap but get lazy. I couldn't get away with drinking at work I'd be bloody useless NS wouldn't want to do anything but sit round and chat :p
