@Yooper and I have had many discussions about this, and the short answer is we have not seen an effective automated or self determining feature that determines water adjustments or salts for you. Many of them result in really bad results like adding salts or minerals to raise the pH, then adding acid to lower the pH, then adding more salt to raise a component of the water in order to hit some regional "profile".
The fact of that matter is that most, if not all, of those easy to use systems are simply too simple and don't allow for the flexibility that a calculator like we have, or some others like Bru'n water for example, which allow the user to determine which additions they're using, and how much.
We calculate the output, you put in the input.
It's a possibility that we may at some point meet half way and calculate some of the additions, but there will need to be a lengthy discussion and testing process with the community, Yooper, and I.