(DONE): Warning if mash tun size exceeded All Grain


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Jan 21, 2013
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I brew with a "Beer brew 30" which has a mash tun that only fits about 7.5 kgs of malt before I get spillover and a horrible mess. It would be nice if I could enter this into my equipment settings and get a warning in the recipe editor if my recipe uses more than this amount of fermentables in an all grain recipe.

Re: Equiment request: Max total fermentables for mashing

Since this also depends on the amount of water used I would suggest that the recipe calculator attempts to calculate the mash volume and reports an error based on that.

Re: Equiment request: Max total fermentables for mashing

I would think it also depends on mash thickness as well.
Re: Equiment request: Max total fermentables for mashing

The amount of water needed for mashing should be available from the mash profile entries.

Re: Equiment request: Max total fermentables for mashing

We just setup the 'Quick Water Requirements' for the next release:

With that in place, we could show a line in red in the water requirements readout when the following condition is met:

[(default mash thickness * grain weight) + volume of grain] > mash tun volume
Any other volume alerts we should pay attention to? Here is one I can think of which is similar to the above:
BIAB - mash exceeds kettle volume (would need to add a field for kettle volume)
Re: (NEXT RELEASE): Warning if mash tun size exceeded All Gr

In the next release, a warning will appear in the water requirements section if the strike volume plus grain volume exceeds the mash tun size in your profile.

Did some quick checking and went with these values for grain volume:
1 pound of crushed grain takes up 0.08 gallons
1 kg of crushed grain takes up 0.66 liters

Keep in mind, this is counting the mixture of water and crushed grain to get the resulting volume. We don't care about the volume of the dry crushed grain in this case.

If anybody has better values with references please reply to this thread.
Re: (NEXT RELEASE): Warning if mash tun size exceeded All Gr

I would also include mash out additions. On my last brew I was unable to add all of my additional boiling water in order to reach the correct temp. Or maybe I am doing it wrong? Should I be treating the mash out like a batch sparge?
Re: (NEXT RELEASE): Warning if mash tun size exceeded All Gr

Warning for an overflow of that nature is going to depend on a number of additional factors (current temp, current actual volume, target volume, boiling temp... - a lot to worry about).

You could just drain and then infuse again to get it up to 170F, that is what works for me, but yeah it does drop efficiency. That is just the limitations of using a cooler type mash tun and not fly sparging.
This is taken care of. See the warnings that appear when I do a 5 gallon batch on my system with 44 pounds of grain! These two warnings appear independently of one another, but this example happens to have them both.


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