in the end.... often we struggle with sanitation. We think we have our processes down and don't give thought to furthering our efforts.. however, we can learn that there are areas which we think everything is good.. and anyway, improvements can be made because obviously items outside of our thought process get contaminated and although they may not impact all of us at the moment, they will show their ugly head at sometime in the future. Steve obviously found an issue that will impact all of us at some moment, even if it isn't this moment... and we can learn from each others oversights. The corrosion, although it may less impactfull if we run boiling wort through the fittings at each brew day, will eventually impact all of us. I am happy for Steve that he found, at the very least, a possible source of contamination ... and hope that correcting this issue will provide him with better brew in the very near future. congrats, Steve. please let us know how the next brew turns out.