Consistent Mystery Flavor in Extract Brews

And an aside on efficiency using batch sparging: I don't know about you but I don't brew for efficiency. It's not like I'm going to be rewarded for the highest efficiency ever, I brew to make beer. To make up for the loss of efficiency when batch sparging, I add another few ounces of grain. So what if I'm getting 80% conversion instead of 81.5%, batch sparging is easier, it's effective, you really can't over-sparge using the method and I'm done with my brew day faster. At our scale, I can't find a good reason to fly sparge.

Knocking off a quick extract batch, as long as you can tell where the extract is coming from and that it's fresh, is a great way to stock up on a beer or even to brew a Kolsch or a Cream Ale without mashing.
I was quite pleased with my Kölsch made from extra light DME.
dme is perfectly fine, lme on the other hand I will never buy again, I've made great beer with dme
dme is perfectly fine, lme on the other hand I will never buy again, I've made great beer with dme
Again, it's a matter of freshness. Our shop goes through extract so fast you can pretty much bet it's fresh. The canned stuff, not so much but the syrup.... Just for giggles I made a batch a while back from the dregs of one of their large extract containers. And yes, I got all the nasty flavors I hear described as "extract twang." The stuff gets old, it oxidizes, the Maillard reactions continue to pile up various flavors, not all of them good, and what results tastes like, if you can imagine this, I haven't really done it, sucking on a Bic ballpoint pen. It was a dumper and a great proof of "extract twang." DME is always safe - there's no water so it can't oxidize and the Maillard reactions can't happen. Fresh LME is safe but determining the freshness.... And what I don't know is how old is no longer safe. I'll use the Brew Hut's extract, no problem, but never extract from a can or a source I don't trust. Which, I guess, pretty much proves the thesis, when in doubt, use DME.
