Competition Question

Just an update. The beer scored a
40 as a Märzen and took a Gold Medal. Yay me. As a Fest Beer it scored a 35 and the comments were appropriate for the different styles.
Congrats! Winning is a lot more fun than losing!

It’s a hard category to win.
Congrats, I've scored multiple 42s so far and not even placed with them.
If you're doing IPAs or Saisons, it's not surprising: IPAs alone made up half of the entries in the competition I judged.
Thats the worst, had a few low to mid 40's myself that haven't placed, it really burns.
I know. I’ve entered an IPA that scored a 47 and didn’t make the finals, plus a few other beers that were 40 through 43 and did not place. But the feed back on average is good to get. Even on the stinker beers.
I know. I’ve entered an IPA that scored a 47 and didn’t make the finals, plus a few other beers that were 40 through 43 and did not place. But the feed back on average is good to get. Even on the stinker beers.
Judges can be generous with a score and truly like your beer, but the when they pick gold, silver and bronze in the mini BOS, all the scores are thrown out the window. Usually, two of the highest ranking judges who judged in that category will judge mini BOS. On occasion, final scores will be changed at mini BOS to reflect 1st, 2nd and third.

If your beers make it to mini BOS, that in itself is good, but a lower scored beer may beat you out of placing.
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To add to the fun of this, I did a really half assed Exportbier a while back and it won gold in the most recent competition. 30 minute mash, 30 minute boil, Munich Lager yeast at room temperature, etc...
Just got results from another competition, That Exportbier got 19 in Toronto. So in 3 competitions the beer got a 41, 27, and 19.
I've done that: Gold, in the 40's. Gold, in the 40's. Bupkis, in the 20's. Same beer, within weeks of each other.
Yeah, I'm getting fairly jaded to the process and not worried anymore but I have a buddy who is still getting hurt by the random shitty scores.

I think it would go a long way in my taking judges seriously if they were a little less up their own ass a lot of the time.
You must have sent the bad bottle in to the comp that scored low.
Yeah, I'm getting fairly jaded to the process and not worried anymore but I have a buddy who is still getting hurt by the random shitty scores.

I think it would go a long way in my taking judges seriously if they were a little less up their own ass a lot of the time.
He says to someone studying for the BJCP.... :) I agree. There are judges then there are good ones. The good ones judge against the style guide, the others against what they think the beer should be.
I know. ;) I actually want to take the training for my own usage but I've put a few things in where the comments are basically "It's yucky".

Like complaining that a ginger beer tasted like ginger.
