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Sounds great! I'll participate, but it'll be awhile for me. I've already got my next two planned out. I do want to do this though!
I’d like to join in as well. But, like others, for various reasons I couldn’t participate until after the first of the year. Plus, I don’t have the capability to lager. So, I’d sit the first one out anyway.I’d like to give this a go as well, but like TW, I probably can’t brew this until late December at the earliest. Maybe not until after the New Years even. By that time you might all be on the next brew and hopefully I can catch up at that point.
Having never bothered with lagers, mainly because all of my favorite beers are Ales, I have one question for the lager brewers:
What is the most forgiving lager yeast as far as temp control is concerned? Or, what yeast works best in the upper end of typical lager fermentation temps?
Thanks in advance.
Same boat unless I lager outside but I don't want to rely on the weather. I'll be placing my next order around February or March so if the next one lines up around then I'm in.I’d like to join in as well. But, like others, for various reasons I couldn’t participate until after the first of the year. Plus, I don’t have the capability to lager. So, I’d sit the first one out anyway.
48-72 temp range on the pack. I know, I know those aren’t always correct, but I’ve used it low 50s, and high 50s with no difference. I’ve read of many people going in the 60s and it still being clean as expected.I'll be brewing it with 34/70 very forgiving yeast for first time lager brewer nothing to be afraid of everything to gain.
I'm in order is going in today.
Now @Bulin's Milker Bucket Brews if you dont mind filling us in on the beer of yours.
What is it you love some much about it?
How many times you brewed it?
What changes have you made to it to get you where it is today?
I'm guessing we can use Sazz in substitution to kazbek hops if we can't source them?
Any different yeast you use to brew this up?
I'm sure you used S05 before...?
I'm not sure I'll get my hands on black prince over hear but maybe midnight wheat might be a good substitute if that's hard to come by?
Any brewing tweeks water profile you like?
Copied and modified for local ingredients, hops and my preferences. It's not far off Nautical Star in terms of color and "roastiness", it'll also be my first Czech beer with RO water. Could be an interesting brew! I'm thinking of lager time of a month, maybe 6 weeks....
Jut had the wheat since there was some in the recipe @AHarper posted. Didn’t see the original...I'm using Avangard Pils, Caramunich, as you suggest, Weyermann malts for just about everything else. I have some Patagonia Perla Negra - Chocolate Wheat - that I'll sub in. Looks about right otherwise. I actually have some intentionally undermodified Pilsner malt from Texas I could sub in and do a step-decoction mash schedule. I'm doing Magnum and Saaz for hops, a Czech Pilsner lager yeast. This is probably brew after next, maybe Thanksgiving weekend. I have a Grodziskie queued up this weekend.
Just a suggestion: You have enough Crystal/Caramel malt in there - the wheat is for head retention? If so, you won't need it for this grain bill.
Jut had the wheat since there was some in the recipe @AHarper posted. Didn’t see the original...
I did some tweaking, too, like swapping the proportions of Blackprinz and Midnight Wheat - the midnight wheat is milder and more chocolaty, the blackprinz more acrid (to my taste). I also tweaked the hops, swapping Magnum for whatever the original bittering hop was. The wheat is not going to hurt anything, it'll just add some body and cut a bit of flavor.Hi Josh, Yes I kept the wheat in as I thought it would be for head retention as Nosybear said and I added the Chocolate malt to increase the SRM to the original value- I couldn't source the Chocolate Wheat Malt from my usual supplier as they had sold out but if I decide to brew this one in the future (like others I have already got future brews planned) I will try again with the supplier. I only did the swap as a substitute for unobtainable grains - just in case others had the same problem.- I am an inveterate tweeker.
I brewed a Brewdog Punk IPA yesterday - it is now in the fermentation fridge - and have another brew planned for Friday / Saturday or whenever the current brew terminates. There is always bottle washing to do until then.
Replace the wheat with base malt and you're back where you started.Yeah brought my OG down form 1.046 to 1.043 and abv down from 5.01 to 4.8. Assuming all numbers are hit. Ibu went up 3-4 on mine. I’ve got wheat so I could go either way. My thoughts is I want to stay close to what you guys are doing.