Commercial level Cleaning Chemicals

1 dump the sludge out of the bottom port of the tank(depending on tank size you may need to blow compressed air to get rid of CO2).
2 setup your cip
3 pull hot liquor to preheat and rinse your tank(you want your temp probe to read 140f+
4 fill in your water quantity and then add your caustic to the vessel(i generally shoot for the middle of the ratio range and adjust if i need to)(always add chemical to water not the opposite way around)
5 Spin Caustic for 30 mins(be sure that everything sees atleast 15 mins of flow time)
6 flashlight inspect for dirt
7 dump chemical and rinse with hot liquor
8 cool tank with street water
9 mix in your acid cleaner to your water
10 spin for 30 mins
11 rinse with street water
12 fill in your water and add your PAA
13 spin for 15 mins then put the tank back together spin sealed up tank for 15 mins
14 put your product line in place and push the sani out through it using CO2. fill up your blow off bucket with sani and seal up the tank.

this is a basic outline. remember that your tank MUST be vented while it is hot. if it is not vented when you cool it down it will implode.

caustic is slippery on your skin similarly to pbw.

PAA turns your skin white when it gets on it.

be sure to have an eye wash station, wear chemical resistant gloves(google black knights), safety glasses, and proper footwear. print out SDS sheets and keep them on hand for reference.

CO2 will nuetralize your caustic and the reaction can be pretty aggressive.

acid and caustic DO NOT MIX Click Here.

not sure what the alkaline cleaner is for? i use Caustic, nitric phos, and PAA
Great see here The white pumps, like the ones I posted a picture of, are the best. If they’re splashing, you’re pumping too hard.
