I sparge DI water with no additions, and assume the pH of that water is 5.75 with CO2 absorption... I talked to a home brewer who works treating water, he told me something along the lines of, the pH of your DI water is insignificant. I can't remember exactly why, it has to do with strong and weak acids or something? Essentially, DI water is just H20 and doesn't have the power to alter anything. For example, mashing with DI water, if it was pH 7 or pH 5, wouldn't make a difference, and the water calculator agrees, it doesn't reflect any pH changes when messing with the pH of DI source water.
I've thought about mineralizing my sparge water, but I can't figure out exactly how to get the numbers all right, as in, I'm not sure how many minerals to mash with and how many to sparge with. I mash about 5 pounds of malt in 10 quarts of DI water and always check the box, 'salts added to mash only'.