Interesting final gravity comparrison on big name Lager from Harry
Anyone looking at brewing the 100th Anniversary F.H.Steinbart beer let me know.This is the BEST hombrew Vlog I've EVER seen So So So cool and informative even for me an Australian a trip down Hombrewing Memory Lane.
I've hit chip up for the recipie sounds killer to me.
Anyone know the link to it let me know please?
Anyone looking at brewing the 100th Anniversary F.H.Steinbart beer let me know.
I got the RECIPE off Chip.
I'll be brewing this old school American pale ale in recognition to the long standing hombrewing tradition layed down over there even though yeah I'm in Aus it still means something to me...
Oh and I've got the extract version so don't feel like you ain't got in...
Oh and you can order the kit from F.H.Steinbart direct too.
Got it, thanks.Recipe also available on Steinbart website.
Yeah sure do I've plugged it into the BF calculator remember to adjust to your efficiency and water profile requirements.That was a great video, thanks for sharing.
I might give that Centennial Pale a go in the coming months. I do have some Victory that I have no idea what to do with.
If you have the all grain recipe, I'd be interested. Thanks.
I'm definitely interested...but...I probably won't get to it until September. I have a few Summer brews that I have to get in before I would be able to brew this one. I'd hate to leave you out on a limb.Yeah sure do I've plugged it into the BF calculator remember to adjust to your efficiency and water profile requirements.
Also I opted on the light n hoppy profile 3:1 sulphate to chloride but I rekon ballanced would suffice as well. It wacks a fair bit of bitterness which is more than I dial in when brewing so looking forward to this.
This is my diced and sliced version in metric and to my brew settings
If we're gunna brew this maybe I'll start a thread on it so we can link pics and have a chat about what we liked about it...
OG 1.060
IBU 50
SRM 10
12lb Gambrinus ESB malt
.8oz victory
.8oz C15
1 OZ centennial and Cluster at 60min
.5 OZ @ 15 (each)
1 OZ each dry hop.
Yeast Imperial PUB.
Ah no limb leaving needed well both brew it when we're readyI'm definitely interested...but...I probably won't get to it until September. I have a few Summer brews that I have to get in before I would be able to brew this one. I'd hate to leave you out on a limb.
Maybe brewersfriend could fund this+1 to IBU rants Tinseth himself said his formula is at best +- 30%... But also...
AAU inconsistencies from suppliers, lots, batches that aren't measured.
No IBU estimate takes into account variable temperatures, so whirlpooling, hop stands etc are all complete guesses.There's some good guesses, my favorite is alchemyoverlords formula for mIBU.
IBU oil saturation limits aren't being taken into account properly, because the limit of Tinseths lab work was tested at a max of like 55 IBUs. Also the lies of brewers that put out things like "120 ibus".
Also no accounting for dry hopping, or bitterness for non-isomerized alpha acids or beta acids.
Also chilling rate is a factor, and chilling method (which is why pro brewery isomerization curves are so different than home) because they're chilling relatively slowly in line, vs batch style chilling with immersion chillers which brings nearly the entire volume down below 160 within a couple of minutes.
In an ideal world I've love to get some funding for a lab to measure alpha acids, isomerized alpha acids, and beta acids from dozens of samples and come up with separate models for each at units of mg oil per Liter of beer (or equivalently ppm).
Yup makes for a great driving experience I bet it keeps you awake and focused too.I've been hitting the podcasts more than vlogs because I have a long commute so the Master Brewer's Podcast and Experimental Brewing with Denny Conn and Drew Beechum have been my go-to's....watching videos is not conducive to save they both have a huge back log to catch up on!
Kinda nice listening to a pre-pandemic world when beer geeks wouldn't think twice about sharing a glass at a conference!
And plus 1 @Craigerrr ... I'm a big fan of Larry bbq too. He pretty much taught me how to brew with simple hardware and processes for all grain.
That's cool I'm in that store all the time. I get my Co2 tank filled there too.This is the BEST hombrew Vlog I've EVER seen So So So cool and informative even for me an Australian a trip down Hombrewing Memory Lane.
I've hit chip up for the recipie sounds killer to me.
Anyone know the link to it let me know please?