Here's the breakdown from Josh, our incoming developer.
October 2014
Move Brewer’s Friend site and API to new servers
Move web server to newest AWS image with more CPU and memory resources
Move Database to dedicated and managed MySQL server
Load codebases into version control
More Authentication Options
Ability to log in through Facebook
Log in through Google+
Recipe photos
Ability to add photos to recipes and show them on recipe browse pages, brew sheets, etc.
November 2014
Social recipe actions
Liking recipes
Following and Friending brewers
December 2014
Calculation issues and investigation
SRM Calculations
Brix to FG
Custom Fermentable calculations
Dilution and Boil Off
Misc bugs
Address feedback and reported issues with:
App syncing
Account upgrades
General Brewer Notes
Favorite Links
General brewing notes
Brew Sheet Updates
Customizable content
Add missing recipe details to brew sheet
App additions
Priming calculator
Scale recipes
Water calculator
Save Unit Preferences
Brew Session Efficiency
Recipe detail additions
Specific timing for boiling of fermentables
Fermentation process details, including specific steps, durations, and temperatures
Ingredient Selection & Custom Ingredients
Ability to modify an existing ingredient and create a custom version
Selecting from the pool of all custom and built-in ingredients based on most popular versions
ingredient auto-population and searching inline on recipe page
Data Updates
Rahr, Mr. Beer, etc. ingredients added to DB
Pre-hopped LME ingredients
Style updates
New yeasts (Yeast Bay, etc.)
Brewing schedule
Add full schedule of all brew phases to “My Brew Sessions”
Homepage updates
Show popular recipes, styles, etc. on homepage to promote navigation
Show dashboard on homepage when logged in
Misc. Visual updates, e.g.:
Link logo to homepage
Improve touch-friendly version of site
Replace native dropdown at mobile scale with more organized hierarchy
Hop image, gear icon, default avatar, etc. could be more coherent and visually cleaner
Make font sizes, buttons, etc. more consistent and scale-friendly
Brewer Equipment Photos
What to Brew page
Style detail pages
Ingredient detail pages
Recipe Comments
Replace third party plugin with in-house comment tracking
Add comments to Brew Sessions
Water Profile
Ability to save base water profiles in chemistry tool
Water calculator integrated inline into recipe page
Display of impact of different Salt additions
Android App
Windows Phone App
inline saving and editing on recipe fields
Additional Social Features
Recipe Tags, tag clouds, etc.
Ability to order recipe ingredients
So that's the road map currently.