Brew session does not show correct source water profile in water chemistry tab

Ah, so you're not using the water calculator at all? Just inputting source water and not using the actual calculator, then going right to the "brew" feature. That's where you're not showing the source water? But if you link a water calculator it does show the source water- that is what you are saying?
Ah, so you're not using the water calculator at all? Just inputting source water and not using the actual calculator, then going right to the "brew" feature. That's where you're not showing the source water? But if you link a water calculator it does show the source water- that is what you are saying?

Yes. If I click the "Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator" link from my recipe I am able to use the correct source water profile. I use this as a workaround for the problem I am describing here. The brew session's water chemistry tab does not show the correct source water profile. It also does not allow me to select the correct source water profile.



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And that is with the linked water profile, correct? I can't recreate this, so that's why I'm asking all these questions, so sorry about that.
And that is with the linked water profile, correct? I can't recreate this, so that's why I'm asking all these questions, so sorry about that.

My workaround is with the linked water profile. As I said I reproduced with a new user.

1) Create new user
2) Login as that user
3) Click profile -> Water Profiles.
4) Click "Add new water profile"
5) Name it "Profile Test"
6) Fill in other fields if needed
7) Click submit.
8) Create a new recipe
9) Enter any recipe, but for "Source water profile" in the water chemistry section, select "Profile Test".
10) Save recipe
11) Click brew and create brew session
12) Select the "Water chemistry tab"

Actual result: 3a source water profile is blank.
Expected: 3a source water profile should display "Profile Test".
