Well it happened... LHBS was closed yesterday so I went to Lowe's, decided against buying anything there to make a blowoff tube since none of it was food safe and I didn't want to risk infection, so I decided to see how things went overnight. Woke up this morning with one bucket covered in yeast and the other buckets' airlock full of yeast. I cleaned up the mess and cleaned out the airlocks, they were still going good after I reinstalled them. Have decided now I am going to blowoff tube 100% as of this afternoon when I can go get the proper equipment. As for my current situation, I am expecting to see more of the same later this afternoon when I get home. Should I pick up an extra pack of yeast to split and pitch in the batches (assuming the other overflows today too)? This afternoon will be 48 hours since I initially pitched the yeast. Thanks in advance for your help!