Bench bottle capper

You’re happy with your purchase. What else could matter? Exc pt that I hate everything to do with Pittsburgh!!
Being a Cleveland or Bengals fan, I can certainly understand why. For me..,, I enjoy post season for football and hockey :p . The Pirates on the other hand.... we’ll..... they just suck! Go Pens!
There is another personal story about Pittsburgh. It involves traffic there being horrible.

I grew up a Bengals fan, so you’re right about that.
I have found bench cappers quicker and give me a better, more secure seal, but maybe I just never learned how to use the wing thing. Getting back on point, I got my capper on eBay for about $12.00, plus shipping. It was made sometime during prohibition, and looks really cool on the bottling bench. I bottle less than quarter of my brews now, so I don't use it much.
I used a wing capper for a couple of years before I bought a bench model when the wing capper broke. Always thought the broken necks with the wing capper were just a normal thing. Must admit that shortly after getting my bench capper I started kegging. Regardless, I never pulled the neck off of another bottle and saw little difference in the time it took to cap a batch. My take is that if you're happy with what you're using, there's no reason to change. If you're having problems, try something else. Not like it's a huge investment in this case.
