Anyone use a carboy harness?

I am 73 and still fermenting. About eight months ago, I built a three tap keezer. The down side: keeping it full is a lot of work. I prefer glass carboys. I don't trust plastic. I do have a harness, but I built a four wheel cart large enough to hold two car boys. Much easier !
My keezer is an upright. Makes tt much easier to manage kegs and fermenters. I basically slide them off a rolling cart. I'm over 70 as well. When I was younger I used a chest type.
I can't believe people still use glass carboys. Those were only used when nothing else was available. There is absolutely no advantage that I can see. Sorry
I have a lot of glass carboys as that was the way to go. They do not scratch which was a big advantage over plastic. They all have the handles at the top, but I do have a couple of harnesses too which certainly make it easier to life.

Now with the new plastics, and them being so much lighter, I prefer the plastic. I started with a Fast Ferment and now have an All Rounder as well. Both of those use a harness as well.
Those of us who are members of the AHA may recall a horrific story posted by one of the members last year regarding an accident he had with a glass carboy. Long story short, he cut his jugular, carotid and several nerves and survived to provide us with his warning. It will make you look at those things in a different light. I understand people’s concerns with plastic. I’m a a bit of a plastiphobe myself. So for me, stainless is the way to go.
I've always used glass carboys without any issues, but lately I've been using my 30L still boiler. Has handles, and I can fit a plastic 2" cap over it, or fit an airlock. Has ports for drains, thermometers, etc...
30L pot still.JPG
I use the harness on my plastic Bubblers. I forgot to put it on before knocking out from the kettle once. I only forgot once!

I dropped a glass carboy once. On my foot. No, neither the carboy or my foot was broken because it rested on my steeltoe shoe, and it was from a low height because I was going down 'losing it', but it was close enough to catastrophe that I ditched the glass for the next batch. (I opted for buckets next) I don't think I'd ever go back to glass unless they were 3gal and then likely only for Mead as a secondary, if that.

Depending on your setup, you could combine the harness with a pulley system. I saw pics years ago where a brewer rigged up a pulley on a swing arm so he could hoist his carboys up, swing them over his chest freezer/chamber, lower them down and of course the reverse, even setting them on the top of the lid after closing for transfers. I currently use a stand-up chamber, but if I had to switch to a chest model, I'd highly consider such a contraption!
I use the harness on my plastic Bubblers. I forgot to put it on before knocking out from the kettle once. I only forgot once!

I dropped a glass carboy once. On my foot. No, neither the carboy or my foot was broken because it rested on my steeltoe shoe, and it was from a low height because I was going down 'losing it', but it was close enough to catastrophe that I ditched the glass for the next batch. (I opted for buckets next) I don't think I'd ever go back to glass unless they were 3gal and then likely only for Mead as a secondary, if that.

Depending on your setup, you could combine the harness with a pulley system. I saw pics years ago where a brewer rigged up a pulley on a swing arm so he could hoist his carboys up, swing them over his chest freezer/chamber, lower them down and of course the reverse, even setting them on the top of the lid after closing for transfers. I currently use a stand-up chamber, but if I had to switch to a chest model, I'd highly consider such a contraption!
Well I have to agree. The chest freezer went away with my glass carboys. I have 2 uprights now. One is an upright freezer for a fermentation/lagering chamber. I can slide fermenters off my cart no bending required. As far as my kegerator its a standard refrigerator. Holds 4 kegs and takes up less floor space. Plus the built in freezer is used for freezing hops and fruit. They are all cast offs.
