Add Candy Sugar to the brew


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Feb 19, 2017
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Hi All,

A Baltic Porter recipe i'm working on calls for candy sugar, when is the best time to add it to the boil and whats the best Technic to avoid burning of the sugar in the boil?

Thank you,

Never used candy sugar, but I'd treat it like any late addition extract or flavoring / spice. Add it about the last 10 mins of the boil or so. And stir it so the sugar doesn't fall to the bottom of the kettle and scorch
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Unless they're talking about some kind of dark candi sugar, spare yourself the money and use regular table sugar. Sucrose is sucrose. Now to add. Baltic porter is a very big beer and the yeast would prefer the sucrose to the maltose from the malt, adding it early could result in underattenuation. So here's what I'd do. I'd add the sucrose after the yeast has had a chance to chew up some of the maltose. Let the beer ferment a few days, then make up a syrup of about an equal weight of water and sugar, boil it, cool it, then add it. That'll help the yeast eat up the maltose before they get lazy eating the sucrose.
I agree with Nosybear. If it's clear/light Candi Sugar, just use the cheapest beet/cane sugar you can find. If it calls for a darker Candi sugar, use some brown sugar or light/dark Muscovado, which I've used before and works very well.
I would add the candi sugar during the last 10 minutes of the boil, making sure to stir thoroughly.
Thank you all for your help
the recipe calls for a dark candy sugar - 60L so i bought a pound of it
i also plan to add it inside a muslin bag to prevent scorching
i would add it after two days of fermentation however it is only 10% of the total bill so i'll take the advice if adding the sugar during the last 10 minutes of the boil
Thanks again!
add it before the boil, way easier to get it to dissolve, less risk of burning.
Don't add it in a muslin bag- you want to dissolve it into the wort. You can even add it at flame out, as the wort is still boiling and it will dissolve easily in the very hot wort.

Stir the wort, add the candi sugar while stirring, and it will be dissolved within a minute. Then chill the wort as usual.
OK, bag is out
