

Well-Known Member
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Mar 30, 2016
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Palmwoods QLD
Gday Again fellow homebrewers cheers to all!

We all know that when mashing in with our given grain that we have a purported mash ph value I aim for 5.2 some aim for 5.4 and then again as I've observed lately there is a different ph value for darker malts! So that's first question I'm aiming at 5.2 going by Brewers friend water calcs ( that's with the recipe grist).
I Currently use accidulated malt by wayermann maltster a reputable maltster in there own right. I've been getting a bit of a tang in my beers of late they are mostly Pilsner base as that's my base malt ATM.
Now I was wondering what you guys youse to add acid to your mash? I'm looking for a high strength phosphoric acid In future keg King do a 90% concoction that I'll use Brewers friend water calc to dial in my ph for.
Oh yep I need to get a ph meter I solely use brews friend mash ph calcs based on my grist so far :rolleyes:.

Real reason is I suffer from bad acid reflux sometimes from a drinking session of homebrew. last night I had pizza and a couple pints of my vanilla cream ale and I was awoken later on with some terrible burning till I slugged some milk and acid tablets to get some rest. I know that is partly me and partly my beer and food combinations but I'm soo keen on acid content of my beer that I know my next purchase is gunna be a ph meter!

Does anyone have my probs ?
What do you fellas acidify with?
Any help would be much appreciated cheers!;)
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Adiculated malt also includes lactic acid , it will drop mash pH by a point per % but it also does add extra "tang " .

Look for balance over just a pH number , enzymes will work outside of "ideal "range
A water report is needed to set up proper PH with the software. A PH meter is a must IMO. I hate those little paper things they never work right for me. For my water the PH varies between 7.5 and 7.9 so with most beers I throw in 4tsp of gypsum in 15gal of mash water and add phosphoric acid til PH drops to 6.5 then recheck after mashed in about 5min and adjust if necessary with more phosphoric acid or a little acid malt depending what I'm brewing.. Acid malt in larger quantities (over 4% of mash) supposedly will make the beer more tart according to what I have read. I like phosphoric acid because it is not tart like lactic or citric acid.
Cheers all last night I slugged a heap of my L1 lager down and slept like a baby no acid no nothing:p. I see keg King here in Aus sell phosphoric acid for mash adjustments it's like 90%ish. I've looked on my local council water report for most of my mineral and ph values Unity Water have a pretty detailed public report for Caloundra area on their quarterly water report. pH meter will be coming across from China soon it's next on my homebrew list. I'm also interested in the final ph of my brewed beer
