Acetal flavors & how to remove them

Thank you to:
Yooper, JA, Mase, Bob357, Thundrwgn & Mark Farrell. But most of all Nosybear. Nosy & I shared a couple of his brews while we tried to diagnose my undefined taste issue.
After some study Nosy asked about my low Starting & Ending Gravity. The expected Starting Gravity was supposed to be 1.074 & Ending Gravity was 1.016. The actual Gravities were 1.060 & 1.012.
His thought was that the Low gravities lead to a "Dry" brew. The beer, Ballentines Ale, was fairly hoppy with 8 OZ of Galaxy & Citra, the Gravity shortfall was caused by the Sparge boring a tunnel from top to bottom of the Mash Tun, caused by a leak in the Sparge Manifold. The Dry Beer & the big Hop charge resulted in a serious sharp taste that never smoothed out. Fermentation Temp wasn't the problem though it could have been. Thanks again Nosybear. I'll work on the Sparge Manifold to prevent a recurrence & drink the rest.
Once again, Thanks for all the input. I learned a lot.
Specifically, the lower OG led to a higher utilization of the hops, the lower FG meant there weren't the dextrines to give a perception of sweetness to offset the higher bitterness with the end result, the beer was very bitter, cleanly bitter but more than the malt would support. The channeling of the mash likely led to the low OG. Even excessively bitter, the beer was good, no perceptible off flavors.... I really want to try one when it's redone correctly!
