2025 Happy hour zoom

I won't be able to attend later today.
Sorry I have been AOL recently.
I am hoping to join in next month.
I’ll be sans beer on the zoom. Apparently I signed up for a daddy daughter thing at the Children’s museum tonight. I’ll be able to join the first hour though
Turns out I have to attend a party this evening. Not absolutely certain of the timing so I may get to sign on briefly. :)
My zoom has to update apparently... joining shortly.
That’s a law of nature @J A in a hurry a program or computer must update
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I would have liked to stick around longer. Next time maybe won't have a schedule to stick to. :)
Next month could be summertime?
An hour earlier for me :)
Sent Sunfire some titles of Rush tracks. Hopefully, she doesn't hate them and doesn't want to come back and kick my ass:)
It was nice to get to bullshit with y'all.
Rush ..
That's going back a bit
I always did like my Floyd and my Rush. I was trying to explain, probably poorly, the other night how much I enjoyed the second side of Moving Pictures. The radio stations always played everything on the first side. My Mom had that album when it came out in 1981, and I was sitting around one day, played the back side, and it was like I had discovered a really good treat.
They had a bunch of good albums in the 70s and 80s.
Mom and Dad both had good album stashes.
