20 Worst Trends in Brewing

That seems a bit excessive, even for America.
Bloody hell all over people lining up for a beer is that a RDWAHAHB or whatever the Acronym is time:rolleyes:.:D
We go through hundreds of iterations of "style". Some of them stick! To me, milkshake IPAs can't die fast enough, some love them! I'm a great fan of a good, slow-pour pils, considering it the pinnacle of brewing, others consider them boring and a waste of time. I don't know whether the guys asked are oracles or just talking out their.... You get the picture. But look: For a while it was how many IBUs can you get into an IPA, then it went to NEIPA, then to milkshake, sours were the rage two years ago, the wilder the fermentation the better. Now we're onto Goses and Berliner Weisse, clean sour fermentations.... I have an experiment going in the basement, the screw-up of the Kentucky Breakfast Stout that's going to come out a whole lot like a coffee-chocolate black IPA. Might be a thing in a few years.... In my six decades walking the planet I've seen a lot of fads come and go and a few have stuck, for better or worse. Most have gone. It's the same in brewing.
you are spot on..
