Anyone use a carboy harness?


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Dec 4, 2014
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Pacific NW
Pros? Cons? I'm not getting any younger, if you know what I mean....
I have one for my 6 gallon fermonster. Don't know how I'd move it without it. I prefer to put it on before I fill it but that sometimes means having to wash the harness if it gets wort on it
Not a fan of them, they break. When I had carboys I used a milk crate
Thanks for jogging my memory! I bought a glass carboy years ago that came with a bottled water crate; I no longer use glass, so I stored the crate out in my garage. Perfectly sized for my 6.5 gallon Big Mouth Bubbler:

I have one but it's more strain on my back to lift the carboy with the sling rather than just hugging it.
Instead of lugging 5 to 6 gallons of wort down the steps to my bierstube, I built a frame that fits into my wheelbarrow to hold them in place while I wheel them to the back door of the basement.
Thanks for jogging my memory! I bought a glass carboy years ago that came with a bottled water crate; I no longer use glass, so I stored the crate out in my garage. Perfectly sized for my 6.5 gallon Big Mouth Bubbler:

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Yeah I agree the plastic crate is the way to go. I use milk crates. I don't use carboys for beer only wine and cider for long term storage though
Yeah I agree the plastic crate is the way to go. I use milk crates. I don't use carboys for beer only wine and cider for long term storage though
Really anything with handles works as long as it's sturdy. Just don't cheap out if you buy a harness. Don't get the ones that look like mesh or netting, get the kind with the nice wide nylon straps.

The downside I could see with a milk crate is that based on where the handles are I think you'd have to lift it slightly higher to comfortably carry it
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If they are glass, replace them with plastic. Glass breaks and cuts flesh. But handles are a great idea, since many of us have bad backs and struggle to lift 40+ pounds of sloshing liquid. Handles can also facilitate using a pulley system to lift and lower them. A cart or moving dolly can help move them too.
If they are glass, replace them with plastic. Glass breaks and cuts flesh. But handles are a great idea, since many of us have bad backs and struggle to lift 40+ pounds of sloshing liquid. Handles can also facilitate using a pulley system to lift and lower them. A cart or moving dolly can help move them too.
Yes, I got rid of my glass carboys years ago, replacing them with plastic Big Mouth Bubblers, and was also lucky enough to buy some of the Big Mouth Bubbler screw-on lid rings back then. The lids and the silicone seal require some modifications, but the "lifting lid" issue is non-existent now.
My issue with a full 6.5 Bubbler was getting underneath it to lift it, then hoisting it up; hard on a 73 year old back! This crate's handles are 14" off the floor, which should make lifting much easier.
Pros? Cons? I'm not getting any younger, if you know what I mean....
Know exactly what you mean. 69 here and also diagnosed with Essential Tremor this year. I’ve used harnesses on my glass carboys for over 25 years but with the tremors I usually have one of my buddies helping me lift them now. I can no longer go up & down the cellar stairs carrying equipment so much to my wife’s dismay I’ve taken over one of the spare bedrooms on the first floor as my brewery.
Know exactly what you mean. 69 here and also diagnosed with Essential Tremor this year. I’ve used harnesses on my glass carboys for over 25 years but with the tremors I usually have one of my buddies helping me lift them now. I can no longer go up & down the cellar stairs carrying equipment so much to my wife’s dismay I’ve taken over one of the spare bedrooms on the first floor as my brewery.
dude do yourself a favor and ditch the glass. Just get some buckets. Simple and safe and very easy to carry
I can't believe people still use glass carboys. Those were only used when nothing else was available. There is absolutely no advantage that I can see. Sorry
I have them for my Big Mouth bubblers. The worst part is they can be a bit of a pain to get on the carboy. Other than that, they make life a lot easier.
Same here. I use painters tape at the handles to keep the harness on but remove them when I wash at the end of the brew. Putting the harness on with the carboy upside down makes it a lot easier.
Pros? Cons? I'm not getting any younger, if you know what I mean....
I am 73 and still fermenting. About eight months ago, I built a three tap keezer. The down side: keeping it full is a lot of work. I prefer glass carboys. I don't trust plastic. I do have a harness, but I built a four wheel cart large enough to hold two car boys. Much easier !
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