Yeast manage


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Jun 14, 2023
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Hello everyone.
3 days ago i collected the yeast with the intention of reusing it, I took it from the fermenter after the cold crash when its temperature was 2-3 degrees Celsius, the water I used to ''wash'' her was room temperature so let's say 22 degrees Celsius, when I finished I put it in the fridge, which is at 2-3 degrees,
could all these sudden temperature changes shock the yeast?
is it safe to use again?
Most of the yeast will survive the shock. It will last for 8 or 9 months. I don't use it anymore past the 9 month mark based on several bad experiences. But if you plan to use it again in near future, it should work very well for you. If you keep it longer than a week or two, you should build a yeast starter. Otherwise you shouldn't need to if using it very very soon.

Most of the yeast will survive the shock. It will last for 8 or 9 months. I don't use it anymore past the 9 month mark based on several bad experiences. But if you plan to use it again in near future, it should work very well for you. If you keep it longer than a week or two, you should build a yeast starter. Otherwise you shouldn't need to if using it very very soon.

Saying "most of the yeast" you mean that the temperature fluctuation killing some of those microorganisms or they will die anyway?
What if I wash it with cold water 2-3 Celsius, and put direct in the fridge will survive more?
Saying "most of the yeast" you mean that the temperature fluctuation killing some of those microorganisms or they will die anyway?
I'm not sure what acceptable temperature fluctuation is but I would think a 20°C (36°F) fluctuation is too much. If your are going to use it with a few weeks, I wouldn't bother washing it at all. But if you want to wash the yeast I would try to keep the wash water roughly within 5°C (10°F) of the yeast slurry.
I've never worried about the temperature changes harming the yeast, and I've never had an issue reusing yeast I've washed like this. I assume the water you are using to wash the yeast has been boiled and allowed to cool, that you're not just using water from the tap for this
I've never worried about the temperature changes harming the yeast, and I've never had an issue reusing yeast I've washed like this. I assume the water you are using to wash the yeast has been boiled and allowed to cool, that you're not just using water from the tap for this
Yep i boiled and cooled, Theanks for your replys
What if I wash it with cold water 2-3 Celsius, and put direct in the fridge will survive more?
I also would not bother washing it. Just scoop it into a jar, cover it loosely, and out it in the refrigerator. Will be fine.
Yesterday i pitch the yeast to e new brew, first time i reuse yeast, I keep it simple,
I tried to reach same temperature as wort and just pitch it in, didn't make any starter or something because I afraid for some infection
I hope on few hours to see some bubbles
Almost 24 hours and Gravity exactly the same, temperature 18 Celsius stable.
Few hours ago staring bubbles but why gravity still same?
Also this is my first batch using rapt pill, exited to watching everything!
(Anyone know what's meaning those 2 readings i have marked?)
Alcohol by volume and yeast attenuation.

Patience, let the yeast get more started. All is well.
Alcohol by volume and yeast attenuation.

Patience, let the yeast get more started. All is well.
Ok i understund now.
The us 05 says ''Fermentis SafAle US-05 Yeast Features:Attenuation: 78–82%''
So in normaly situathions this number must reach the 78-82% ? what can i take from this informathion? is that meaning that yeast was healthy and fermentation completed? ( i mean if i get this 78-82%)
I'm wory because i'm not sure if i aerate the wort enough, also now sure about yeast health!

This means “Relax, don’t worry, have a home brew”. Dont worry about not enough oxygen.

Yes, that is what “78-82%” means. But be aware, this is ideal, it might not happen even if your process was perfect. You should not use this to decide if fermentation is finished or not. As before, when gravity has not changed for three days, it is done.

Also: do not assume the Rapt pill gives perfect data.
The first 24 hours was like inactive, after that fermenting very good next 24 hours.taste ok.
I will use same yeast for my next batch I will try to make a starter.
Is this possible without some special equipment?
hello everyone.
Fermentation completed everything seems to be ok.
Now i want to reuse again the same yeast, my question is how can i know how many bilion of cells i have now?
what if i have alot of them and overpich my next batch?
hello everyone.
Fermentation completed everything seems to be ok.
Now i want to reuse again the same yeast, my question is how can i know how many bilion of cells i have now?
what if i have alot of them and overpich my next batch?
dont worry about over-pitching. generally it wont make a big difference and can help prevent the lag phase you saw. I overpitch all of my batches. Helps with fast consistent ferments. I think i only need like 150-170g of yeast per batch but i pitch 250g since that is have a 500g block. I vacuum seal the second half and toss it back in the cooler for the next batch.
It's darn near impossible to get an accurate measure of how much healthy yeast is in the trub after fermentation. Fortunately the yeast don't care too much. You can be significantly off and the yeast will still do what they are supposed to do. So, just take a wild guess and as @Bigbre04 says, don't worry about over-pitching.
According to John's Palmer book (I'm reading those days) Indeed it's ok to overpitch, but if over pitch to much will cause a problem.
So a another question now
Each batch yeast is reproducing right? So what if i use same yeast again and again for lets say 5-6 batches
