What’s your “house” yeast?

Tim Bulin

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Aug 16, 2019
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Been thinking about simplifying things a bit. Don’t know about getting down to one, but I think I could probably get everything I make done by just keeping M54 and M15 on hand…
I usually have one or two main yeast strains saved for the summer (I normally just brew spring through fall now, and not at all in Florida).

I love WLP001 for my IPAs, APAs, etc so that's usually in my fridge.
Right now I have Wyeast 1335, British ale yeast, in my fridge. I use that for IPAs too, as it's really clean at lower temperatures but can make awesome British beers too.
I bought lager yeast, and didn't save it as I don't do many lagers.
I almost never use dry yeast, but I think I have a couple of packets in the fridge in case it's needed.
English beers I alternate between the Fullers and Boddingtons strain (reported strains)
Scottish I use Scottish Ale yeast
Irish I use Darkness
Lagers I use 34/70 unless it’s winter and I can get Harvest.

I can’t narrow it down. If I’m brewing a style for ME I like to use the yeast for that style.
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Munton's Premium Gold for budget extract kits using just DME rather than dextrose or combos. I like how it helps the sediment stick to the bottom of the bottle.

Fairly new to it but Mangrove Jack's M54 Californian is likely to be my house yeast for lagers as it suits the temperatures I am restricted to brewing at. I only brew roughly one batch of lager a year but may try this yeast with other beers as I really like it too.

For wine definitely Young's Wine Yeast Compound.
Also not a house yeast guy as I think certain strains are just better for certain styles as mentioned above.

But I also never save, reuse or repitch yeast, so there’s no point in me having a “house” yeast.

I do always have a pack of BRY-97 on hand though.
Wyeast 1318 and 2124 are the two strains I always have on hand, along with a pack of dry US-05 in the fridge. 1318 and 2124 will cover the vast majority of my brewing, but I will occasionally pick up a Belgian yeast for a witbier or a patersbier
Of course it depends what your brewing but I brew hoppy and hazy so after trying several yeasts have settled on Verdant IPA.
Looking forward to trying Lallemands new Pomona though, not released in 11g packs yet.
Of course it depends what your brewing but I brew hoppy and hazy so after trying several yeasts have settled on Verdant IPA.
Looking forward to trying Lallemands new Pomona though, not released in 11g packs yet.
I love verdant, it’s supposed to be same strain as London III. Tastes very close
I like yeast variety as much as hop variety. Hard to narrow it down. If I was forced to choose three...probably BRY-97 and Verdant IPA for most ales and 34/70 or Novalager for lagers.
Don't have a house yeast. Variety is cool. Looking back over the last few years what I've used the most in no particular order is WLP 835 German X Lager, Bootleg Biology Saison Parfait, and Lallemand Abbaye.
+1 for Voss Kveik. Though it works best in the summer when it gets really hot upstairs, it works pretty well all year round. And I just love the fruity flavors produced when fermenting in a hot room.
I buy US-05 in 500g bricks and resuse the yeast in the fermenters three times before cleaning the fermenters. I only make pale ales but am thinking of trying some new styles and will try some different yeasts and other ingredients. Recently got made redundant and am quickly approaching 67yo so have made the discission to fully retire. Lots of woodworking and brewing to come :cool:
