Hell yeah youd be like a whirling dervish on brew day. I'm going to give this sorta thing a try having little un now and all.Yes. Here's a rough schedule.
10 min. Setup, grain milling, mash water heating.
45 minutes. Mash.
15 minutes. Drain and rinse grain bag. Bring wort to a boil.
30 minutes. Boil. This is sufficient to eliminate DMS from most malts. Slight recipe adjustment for the hops.
10 minutes. Transfer to fermenter, set up cooling system.
10 minutes. Clean up.
I have a stainless fermenter with silicone gaskets on the lid and valves. I have a stainless heat exchanger coil. So, I hook up the cooling system, set the temperature and walk away. I come back a couple of hours later and pitch the yeast. One advantage of pouring boiling wort into the fermenter is that it kills any bacteria that you might have missed.
Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with the standard mash, sparge, and 90 minute boil method. It's just that over the years, I found that I could reduce the time without impacting quality or flavor. And with shorter brew days, I tend to brew much more often.